CFP: The Americas: Drawing the Lines (4/2/07; CAAS, 11/8/07-11/11/07)
2007 Canadian Association for American Studies Conference
The Americas: Drawing the Lines
CAAS invites proposals for its annual conference to be held November
8-11, 2007 at the University of Quebec, Montreal.
Please send 500 word proposals by April 2 2007 to:
CAAS 2007 Committee, c/o Michael Epp <>.
The conference topic is intended to address the transformations of
the geographic, political, literary, historical, and generally
conceptual space of the "Americas."
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Borderlines" (geographic and political, or in terms of identity,
othering, and violence, among other topics)
* the shaping of "Americanness"
* legal lines: how the law creates divisions within the state (law
and literature approaches also welcome)
* lines of identity (racial, gender, sexual, class, and so on) and
their crossings
* aesthetic lines--between high and popular culture, etc.
* lines between secular and religious cultures (within the US and
without)- the representation of North American spaces on maps and in
artistic renditions
* the segmentation of metropolitan areas and the development of urban sprawl
* NAFTA policies and their effects
* literal or figurative borders
* tracing narratives across time or countries
* imagined genealogies
* the role of US visual culture in the world (this could include
topics ranging from advertisements, to the images of television news,
to film and visual art, and so on)
This is only a partial list, and CAAS invites proposals from all
areas of American Studies
Please send 500 word proposals by April 2 2007 to:
CAAS 2007 Committee, c/o Michael Epp <>.
Dr. Jason Haslam
Assistant Professor, Department of English
American Literature Director, Northeast Modern Language Association
Mailing Address:
Dept. of English
Dalhousie University
6135 University Ave.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4P9
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:34:37 EST