UPDATE: Mester: Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving (grad) (3/1/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Mester Literary Journal
contact email: 

Dear Professors and Colleagues,

On behalf of Mester XXXVI, I would like to call your attention to our =20
Special Issue on Memory and History and our EXTENDED DEADLINE for =20
submissions *March 1, 2007.* Please, forward this message to any group =20
and individuals you think might be interested in this topic. If you =20
have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very much for your time,


Jasmina Arsova, C. Phil
Editor-in-Chief 2006-2007
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
4310 Rolfe Hall / Box 951532
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1532
Office Tel: (310) 825-6014 / Fax: (310) 206-4757
E-mail: jasmina_at_humnet.ucla.edu / mester_at_ucla.edu

Mester, the graduate student academic journal of the Department of =20
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, invites scholarly articles for its =20
Special Issue XXXVI devoted to:

         Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving

We welcome all submissions that address questions or ideas related but =20
not limited to the following concepts in language, literature and =20
visual expressions of the Luso-Hispanic world:

Amnesia, Melancholia, Nostalgia, Survival, Repression, Narratives of =20
Commemoration, Authorities, Temporalities and Places, Cultural Memory =20
and the 'Other,' Language Contact, Diglossia, Historical Linguistics, =20
Individual and National Policies

Mester publishes scholarly articles, interviews, and book reviews in =20
the fields of Spanish, Portuguese, Spanish-American, Brazilian, =20
Chicano/a, and Latino/a literatures and linguistics. Mester also =20
welcomes interdisciplinary dialogues with fields such as, Comparative =20
Literature, Critical Theory, Gender Studies and Cultural Studies. =20
Articles may be written in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. =20
Publication decisions are based solely on the quality of manuscripts, =20
which undergo triple-blind review.

Mester is dedicated to publishing work that demonstrates a high level =20
of scholarship. Since 1970, we have built a reputation as one of the =20
best student-run journals in North America, publishing articles by =20
established scholars alongside the best work of graduate students. The =20
journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography of Books and =20
Articles under Modern Languages and Literatures.

To be considered for publication, manuscripts should follow closely =20
these guidelines:

--Have no fewer than 15 pages (3750 words) and no more than 25 =20
double-spaced pages (8000 words), including endnotes and Works Cited =20
(the bibliography should start on a new page)

--Use Times New Roman font, size 12 point and number all pages, =20
including the bibliography.

--Must follow the conventions of the most current edition of the MLA =20
Style Manual (Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly =20
Publishing. 2nd ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of =20
America, 1998.)

--Please do not write your name on the manuscripts but include it in =20
your cover letter, along with: the title of your article, your =20
institutional affiliation, e-mail, work and/or home address.

--Reviews for works published within the past year are accepted for =20
the following categories: academic books, linguistics, film and =20
fiction. Reviews should be between 500 and 1,200 words in length. =20
Publishers and authors are welcome to submit books for possible =20

--Please send complete submissions only electronically (via e-mail) =20
and use Microsoft Word 95 or higher.

--Submissions that are being considered by another journal or any =20
other publisher are not accepted.

The extended deadline is March 1st, 2007. Please forward all required =20
materials or questions to: Mester, Attn: Jasmina Arsova, =20
Editor-in-Chief, mester_at_ucla.edu/jasmina_at_humnet.ucla.edu Department of =20
Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Los Angeles

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              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu Feb 01 2007 - 17:33:42 EST