CFP: 150 Years of the OED (3/20/07; MLA '07)
Call for papers: Lexicography discussion group session, MLA 2007, Chicago
150 Years of the OED
In 1857, the Philological Society of London decided to embark on a new dictionary project. From its
inception, the project was both a specialized, philologically rigorous endeavor and a collaborative
undertaking driven by popular energy and national pride in the English language. It would grow
beyond the society's imaginings to become a hallmark of historical lexicography: the Oxford English
Dictionary. This session invites proposals that discuss the historical construction, cultural reception,
research applications, and/or methodological considerations of the dictionary in its paper or electronic
editions. Abstracts by March 20 to Colette Moore (
Colette Moore
Assistant Professor of English
University of Washington
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:30:13 EST