CFP: Finance and Gender in 17th- & 18th-Century England (2/14/07; NACBS, 11/9/07-11/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Courtney B. Beggs
contact email: 

CFP: Finance and Gender in 17th- & 18th-Century England (2/14/07,

North American Conference for British Studies (NACBS)
2007 Annual Meeting
Held in conjunction with the Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies
San Francisco, CA
Friday, November 9th – Sunday, November 11th

In the line of recent works such as James Thompson's _Models of Value_,
Catherine Ingrassia's _Authorship, Commerce, & Gender_, Craig Muldrew's
_The Economy of Obligation_, and Deborah Valenze's _The Social Life of
Money in the English Past_, this panel invites papers that focus on any
aspect of the intersections between gender and finance in 17th- &
18th-century England. During this time, the founding of the Bank of
England, the bursting of the South Sea Bubble, the birth of a literary
marketplace, and a variety of competing discourses about both credit and
coin work to create a rich nexus that has yet to be fully explored.
Approaches might include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Discourses of credit
* Women and financial investment
* 17th- & 18th- century accounting practices
* The South Sea Bubble
* Finance in the private sphere
* "Real" Money vs. "Paper" Bills
* Finance, credit, and the professional writer
* Networks of obligation
* Gambling
* Debt and/or bankruptcy
* The role/power of creditors
* The "social life" of money

Abstracts should be 200-300 words, and submitted electronically by Feb.
14th to Courtney Beggs at

Courtney Beggs
Department of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227
Tel. 979-845-3452

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Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:30:15 EST