CFP: Innovative Connections of Africana Cultures, Issues, and Literatures: Special Issue of The Journal of Pan African Studies (
CFP: Innovative Connections of Africana Cultures, Issues, and Literatures: Special Issue of The Journal of Pan African Studies (4/30/2007)
The Journal of Pan African Studies invites papers for a special issue entitled "Innovative Connections of Africana Cultures, Issues, and Literatures with Policy Studies and Analysis." Essays comparing the historical conditions, educational systems, cultures, and literatures of Black people worldwide are highly welcome. Authors are encouraged to search for concrete ways of tackling key problems of the Black world in the context of the continually discriminatory and competitive relations between poor, developing, and wealthy nations. Important questions to bear in mind are: What are the major cultural, historical, and literary connections between Blacks of Africa and of the Diaspora? How did forcefully imposed relations between haves and have-nots across the regions where Black populations live shape the inequalities that are plaguing the Black world? What roles do racism and prejudice play in constraining Africana populations? How could such challenges be overcome?
By providing practicable answers to the above aforementioned questions, the authors will help understand the troubling legacies of slavery, racial colonialism, and discrimination. In this sense, each contributor will be working toward the noble task of creating new scholarship that can bridge the gaps between the economically or educationally privileged and underprivileged Black populations worldwide; thus facilitating honest and practical intellectual work that transcends the limitations of national and geographical borders.
All manuscripts must be original (hence, not under consideration at any other journal) and submitted in MS word format via The entire work should not exceed twenty double-spaced pages with a concise title, abstract, and scholarly citation (MLA style); articles in languages other than English will be considered, however they must also be presented in English, and all submissions must list the author's current affiliation and contact points (e-mail address, etc.).
The deadline for receipts of papers is April 30, 2007.
Please address queries and papers to:
Dr. Babacar M'Baye
Assistant Professor in the Department of English and
the Department of Pan-African Studies
(Office Address )
113 Satterfield Hall
Kent State University
Kent OH 44242
Tel: 330-672-1742
Fax: 330-672-3152
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:29:29 EST