CFP: Kazuo Ishiguro and the International Novel (UK) (3/31/07; 6/2/07)
CFP: Kazuo Ishiguro and the International Novel (UK) (31/3/07; 2/6/07)
Kazuo Ishiguro in conversation with John Mullan (UCL, The Guardian) and Sean Matthews (Nottingham), and reading from work in progress.
Speakers include:
Patricia Waugh (Durham)
John Mullan (UCL, The Guardian)
Dominic Head (Nottingham)
Brian Shaffer (Rhodes College Memphis, TN)
Alan Roughley (Liverpool Hope)
Amanda Hopkinson (British Centre for Literary Translation/UEA)
Kazuo Ishiguro is one of the finest writers of his generation. Although primarily a novelist, he has also written short stories, television scripts and a screenplay. Ishiguro's work explores issues of class, ethnicity, nationhood, place, and the functions of art itself. As a Japanese immigrant coming to Great Britain in 1960, Ishiguro has used his unique perspective to write international novels that contain 'a vision of life that is of importance to people of varied backgrounds around the world.' This diversity is underscored by the surreal masterpiece, The Unconsoled (1995), and his latest novel, Never Let Me Go (2005), a stunning affirmation of Ishiguro's ability to investigate moral dilemmas without compromising the art of fiction.
This conference provides a unique opportunity to reflect on Ishiguro's achievements. The programme includes a reading by the author, contributions from his foremost critics and a discussion of the international reception of the work with his translators.
Short papers are invited on aspects of Ishiguro's writing concentrating on particular texts/periods, or addressing more generally themes such as his relation to the International Novel; the European Tradition; World Literature; Intertextuality; Trauma and Memory; Postmodernity and the Contemporary; Postcolonialism and Otherness; Morality and Ethics; Class and Englishness; Nationalism and Ethnicity; Genre and Forms of Representation. Delegates are particularly encouraged to submit proposals for papers on Diaspora, Place and Space, on the short fiction and screen adaptations, and on Translation and International Reception.
Send abstracts for papers of 200-250 words, together with a brief biographical note, to Sebastian Groes at the (email) address below, before 31 March 2007. A limited number of postgraduate student bursaries are available. For further information and registration details, please contact:
Sebastian Groes,
Kazuo Ishiguro Conference,
The Deanery of Arts and Humanities,
Liverpool Hope University
Hope Park
Liverpool L16 9JD Email:
United Kingdom Tel.: 00-44(0)151-291 3560
Conference organisers: Sebastian Groes (Liverpool Hope); Sean Matthews (Nottingham); Zoë Kinsley (Liverpool Hope); Caroline Bennett (Liverpool Hope); Adriana Neagu (Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania).
Conference website, including registration details:
Dr Sebastian Groes
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
Department of English Literature
Liverpool Hope University,
Hope Park,
L16 9JD
Tel. 00-44(0)151-291 3560
Mobile 00-44-(0)7947 365025
Fax 00-44(0)151-291 3160
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:54:51 EST