CFP: Medical Humanities (3/3/07; MLA '07)

full name / name of organization: 
Chamberlain, Edward A.
contact email: 

Proposed Special Session for the 2007 MLA (Chicago)
Panel Topic: The Medical Humanities
Representations of medicine, therapeutics and contagion continue to enrich the landscapes of literature, media and culture in diverse forms. In this way, the cultural production of medicine has inspired an interdisciplinary field of study often known as the medical humanities. Researchers in this field analyze portrayals of medicine in science fiction, discourses of contagion in media theory, biological iconographies in narratives, literary allusions in medical case histories and many more scopes. To further examine the field's contexts, this panel seeks 1-2 page abstracts for a special session at the 2007 MLA conference in Chicago, IL.
Submissions can interpret the notion of medicine broadly; however, the presentations must make use of a critical framework. Panelists are especially encouraged to submit papers that question how cultures of medicine intersect with notions of the state, transnationalism, desire, identity and theory. To be considered for this panel, please send your abstract and CV to Edward Chamberlain at by March 3rd 2007. In keeping with MLA guidelines, presentations are limited to 15 minutes in reading length. Please note that if you wish to be considered for this special session proposal, you must be an MLA member by April 1st.
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Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:54:59 EST
