CFP: Melville and Feminism (3/10/07; MLA '07)
The Melville Society invites submissions for the following session at =20=
the MLA meeting in Chicago,
December 2007:
What=92s a Feminist to Do
with Melville?
Feminist criticism contributes a stimulating, if still compact, =20
scholarship in the field of Melville studies. The past three decades =20=
of feminist study have not only revisited questions of Melville and =20
misogyny, but also renewed interest in his short fiction, poetry, and =20=
Pierre; opened up the significance of gendered figures in his texts; =20
reconsidered his career through new historical models of authorship; =20
and more. The publication this year of the first collection of =20
essays to focus on women and Melville, Elizabeth Schultz=92s and =20
Haskell Springer=92s Melville and Women, highlights some of the varied =20=
approaches that flourish under this critical rubric. The Melville =20
Society=92s 2007 MLA panel provides the occasion to extend feminist =20
This panel invites feminist critical engagement of Melville=92s =20
writing, including such topics as:
Reevaluations; critiques; appreciations; comparative studies of =20
Melville with women writers; comparative studies of Melville=92s gender =20=
politics with other men writers; Melville=92s place in feminist =20
literary history; genealogy of feminist Melville studies; Melville =20
and the history of feminism; feminist Melville study in a post-=20
feminist world; new directions for feminist study of Melville; etc.
Send two=96page proposals to Charlene Avallone or 141 =20=
Mokumanu Drive, Kailua, HI 96734
Deadline 10 March 2007=
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:29:59 EST