CFP: Realism's Others (4/1/07; collection)
Submissions are sought for a volume on the topic of "Realism's Others." =
Based on a panel at the March, 2006, meeting of the American Comparative =
Literature Association at Princeton University, this project hopes to =
continue the discussion.=20
The panel considered realism's creation of, and relationship to, the =
other. Questions discussed include:=20
Who, what, when, why, and how are realism's others? How do approaches to =
gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, nation or species contribute to =
otherness in a realist text? In what ways do realism's others differ =
from those of other literary modes? Do different avatars of literary =
realism-the novel, the poem, the play-portray their others differently?
The collection will be a fairly tightly knit assortment of inter-related =
and complementary essays on the function and construction of the other =
in realist narrative. Because we are also interested in tensions between =
the other (as a content) and realist narrative (as a form), we plan to =
address not just standard texts of realism but also texts that engage =
the idea of realism within their narrative or deploy strategies =
typically seen as realist ones.
We invite papers addressing topics not covered so far, adding new =
perspectives to the project. Essays, at present, include:
"Alan Sillitoe's 1950s Fiction: Realism, Representation and the =
(Ir)responsibility of Writing"
"Modernity, Realism and 'the Jew' in Gustav Freytag's Debit and Credit"
"German Realism's Proximal Others: Franz Grillparzer's The Poor Musician =
and Theodor Storm's Aquis submersus"
"German Realism's Other: The Space of Modernity"
"Theodore Dreiser's Missing Chinese: Chinese American Rewritings of =
American Literary Realism"
"Secularity, Realism and the Limits of Empire: Epistemological Otherness =
in Najib Mahfuz's Qasr al-Shawq"
"Magical Others: Slave Narrative, Race, and Magical Realism"
"The Textual Subversion and Political Application of Magical Realism: A =
Double Bind"
Abstracts of 250-500 words are due by 1 April, 2007. Once accepted, =
final drafts will be due by 1 November, 2007. These final drafts should =
be no longer than 30 pages, including notes and a list of works cited. =
We hope to submit the volume for publication by the end of 2007, to a =
press that has already expressed interest.
Please contact Eva Aldea (Royal Holloway, University of London) or Geoff =
Baker (California State University, Chico) with abstracts or queries:
Eva Aldea: e.v.aldea at
Geoff Baker: gabaker at
Geoffrey Baker
Assistant Professor of Comparative and British Literature
Department of English
California State University, Chico
T: (530) 898-5165
F: (530) 898-4450
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:55:54 EST