CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy in/and the Third World (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Hoagland, Ericka
contact email: 

Science Fiction and Fantasy in/and the "Third World": This panel =
welcomes papers exploring representations of the "Third World" in =
science fiction and fantasy literature and film, as well as papers =
examining texts produced by "Third World" authors and filmmakers. =
Possible avenues of exploration include science fiction and fantasy as =
literary forums for examining "Third World" issues; science fiction and =
fantasy traditions in Third World countries; Third World characters in =
works of science fiction and fantasy from the West; Third World authors =
and filmmakers of science fiction and fantasy; and intersections of =
postcolonial theory and science fiction and fantasy. Deadline for =
submission of 200-250 word abstracts is March 1, 2007. Send abstracts =
to Ericka Hoagland at =
<> .


Ericka Hoagland

Assistant Professor of English

Mercyhurst College

501 E. 38th St.

Erie, PA 16546

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Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:54:34 EST