UPDATE: George Herbert and Landscape (UK) (2/23/07; 10/5/07-10/6/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Herbert Conferences HERBCONF
contact email: 


George Herbert’s Pastoral: Poetry and Priesthood, Past and Future
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
Sarum College, Salisbury, England
5-6 October, 2007

Panel Topic: George Herbert and Landscape

Plenary Speakers:
Helen Wilcox of the University of Wales, Bangor, Cristina Malcolmson of
Bates College, and David Jasper of the University of Glasgow.

Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference

We invite both paper and full panel proposals from literary scholars,
historians, and theologians who seek to discuss Herbert’s “pastoral” from a
variety of disciplinary perspectivesâ€"Herbert’s relation to the poetic
“pastoral” tradition; his work as a pastor in rural Bemerton; and his place
in past and present debates about priestly practice and the church of the

We particularly encourage those who wish to propose interdisciplinary
panels linked by attention to a common theme, poem, site, or setting. More
specifically, we welcome paper and panel proposals on topics such as
Herbert’s poetic debt to Bemerton, Salisbury, and Wilton; to nearby
buildings and landscapes; questions of church politics in the Laudian era,
and of Herbert’s relations with John Davenant, Bishop of Salisbury;
Herbert’s pastoral treatments of social rank and political dissent;
Herbert’s family network, especially that of his Pembroke cousins at Wilton
House; and his role as a model for pastoral practice and church
We invite e-mail submissions. For 15-20-minute papers, send a 250-word
titled abstract; for a complete 3-paper panel, send an overall title and
individual 250-word titled abstracts for each paper. Please indicate
SALISBURY 2007 and include a 1-page CV giving an e-mail and a regular mail
address at which you can be reached during the spring and summer of 2007;
and indicate any expected audio-visual needs (including special software

Send submissions for SALISBURY 2007 to: Tim Macquiban (admin_at_sarum.ac.uk)
and Christopher Hodgkins (HERBCONF_at_UNCG.EDU)

Due date for submissions: February 23, 2007
For more information, visit http://www.uncg.edu/eng/george_herbert/

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:29:52 EST