UPDATE: Theory Faith Culture (UK) (4/15/07; 7/4/07-7/6/07)
*****please note revised deadline *****
Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory
Theory Faith Culture
— an international interdisciplinary conference —
Cardiff University
4 – 6 July 2007
Second Call for Papers
Religion is one of the most contested aspects of twenty-first century life. How can we understand and theorise the power of religion in the constitution of subjects and in its social, cultural and political manifestations?
This conference will look at the interface between Theory, Faith and Culture. It will explore a range of theoretical approaches to the subject and attempt to further our understanding of some of the most important and pressing issues of the day.
To date we have received over 80 exciting proposals from all over the world. Given this enthusiastic response to our first call for papers, we are extending the deadline for the submission of proposals for further papers until 15 April 2007
Papers are welcomed from all relevant disciplines.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Haleh Afshar, University of York, UK
Luke Gibbons, University of Notre Dame, USA
Glenn Jordan, University of Glamorgan, UK
Richard Kearney, Boston College, USA
Laurent Milesi, Cardiff University, UK
David Nash, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Mohammad Seddon. Cardiff University, UK
Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, USA
Confirmed Panels as of January 2007
* Religion and Postmodernism
* Fundamentalisms
* Theorising Belief
* Philosophy and Religion
* Religion and Language
* Philip Pullman and Religion
* Islam in the West
* Religion and Utopia
* Religion and Post-colonialism
* Derrida on Religion
* Religion and the New Right
* Politics of Belief
* Religion and Education
* Religion and Gender
* Religion and Social Cohesion
* Religion and National Identities
* Religion and Nationalism
* Religion and Colonialism
* Religion in Multicultural Societies
Further proposals for papers are particularly welcome in the following areas
Race and Religion
Islam in the West
Religion and Colonialism
Religion and Partition
Religion and Emancipation
Religion and Patriarchy
Religion and Sexuality
Religion in Wales
Religion and Utopia
Abstracts of 150 words should be sent to the following email address: tfc_at_Cardiff.ac.uk
Deadline for Proposals: 15 April 2007
Professor Chris Weedon
Theory Faith Culture Conference
3rd July - 6th July, 2007
Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory
Cardiff University
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sun Feb 04 2007 - 13:30:01 EST