CFP: Image and the Imagination in the Verbal and Visual Arts - mini conference (5/15/07; MMLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Chalet Seidel
contact email: 

Image and the Imagination in the Visual and Verbal Arts

A program of the Society for Critical Exchange in conjunction with the
M/MLA conference in Cleveland, OH, November 8-11, 2007

This working conference aims to examine the image—broadly conceived as
pictorial, textual, and digital representations—and its relations to
the collective imagination. We invite papers that explore how images
are adopted, adapted, and translated in a variety of media (textual,
visual, or digital), across borders, and among cultures. We invite
papers from all disciplines, including but not limited to art history,
literature, the history of the book, anthropology, law, library and
information sciences, and the cognitive sciences.

Potential rubrics include:

Literature: How can illustrations, cartoons, and photographs affect
the way that literature is interpreted? How have comic books and
graphic novels altered conceptions of literature or come to define
themselves in the context of what is traditionally thought of as "the
canon"? How do images figure in conceptions of generic boundaries? How
does text/image interaction change when texts are serialized,
collected into monograph form, or excerpted, especially when images
are added or subtracted?

Digital Environments: How has the availability of digital material
changed researchers' interactions with archival material? What does
the individual consumer look for in digital archives, whether of
scholastic, scientific, or lay interest? How has the basic knowledge
of professionals working in archives and libraries changed to
incorporate new standards and practices for database design, interface
design, and semantic markup? What analogies and differences between
physical and digital architectures emerge when considering the
representation of texts?

The Visual Mass Media: How do images and texts interact to present
coherent narratives of events in print, broadcast, or digital news?
What attitudes desires, and/or ideologies do advertising images such
as billboards, websites, posters, commercials, etc., codify?
Approaches might include the visual rhetorical, semiotic, or

Remediation: How has web design changed our understanding of the print
page's determination of both the appearance and meaning of prose? What
do current digital re-imaginings of literary texts indicate? What is
involved in the translation of the word to the screen, whether
cinematic or digital? How do movies that aren't adaptations of novels
use text in their narrative techniques?

Trans-cultural and Trans-temporal Images: Whether in the context of
the modern pilgrimage, of cultural or leisure tourism, of
anthropological or colonial exploration or other, how do travel images
detail and propagate the "sacred," the "civilizational," the "exotic,"
the "primitive," or the "Other"? How do images produced by the mobile
eye or self organize, narrate, and/or reconfigure the world? How do
culturally- and historically-based approaches to adaptation theory
change the way that we see adapted images?

 Abstracts of no more than 500 words and a CV of no more than 2 pages
to by March 15. Submissions from graduate
students are particularly encouraged.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Feb 11 2007 - 15:22:56 EST
