CFP: Cosmopolitanism in German Cinema (2/13/07; GSA, 10/4/07-10/7/07)

full name / name of organization: 
John Arrington Woodward
contact email: 

German Studies Association (GSA)

Panel Topic: Cosmopolitanism in German Cinema: Politics, Identity, Europe
October 4-7, 2007
San Diego, CA

Submission Deadline: February 13, 2007.

Recent interest in the significance of cosmopolitical thinking (Cheah
and Robbins) as well as its continual interest for political theorists
(e.g. in Arendt, Balibar) in its specific relationship to concepts of
nationalism and postnationalism, suggests a definite potential in such
a framework for the exploration of the imaginary of a Europe-oriented
Germany. This panel will address recent German Cinema (so-called
'postwall' cinema) by approaching these films through the filter of
European cosmpolitical thought with the hopes of generating a
discussion of Germany through its relationship to its own ambiguous
nationality and its centrality to the 'postnational' concerns of the
European Union. Possible directors would include, Tykwer, Andreas
Dresen, von Donnersmarck, Michael Schorr, Becker, Leander Haussmann,
Hans Weingartner, Hirschbiegel, Fatih Akin, Dorris Doerrie or others.
Please submit paper proposals of 250 words with a short biography to
John Woodward at . Due to GSA rules we are sorry to
say that we will not
be able to accept any proposals from graduate students for this panel.

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Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 19:27:13 EST
