CFP: Framing the Human: Mediated Notions through the Disciplines (4/10/07; e-journal issue)
Framing the Human: Mediated Notions through the Disciplines
An International and Interdisciplinary eJournal.
Florida State University
Essays deadline April 10th
With the advancement of evolutionary biology, cosmology, and the shift
in religious and cultural studies the context of the concept of what
it means to be human has changed dramatically in the last century and
a half. InterCulture is looking to the intersections between science,
cultural, and literary studies as a fruitful space for investigating
such key topics that transform our own mediated understanding of
ourselves. With a push for interdisciplinarity, transdiciplinarity,
and crossdisciplinarity as part of the attempt to create overarching
and broader perspectives for contextualizing the human, modern
disciplines are finding themselves responsible to one another in their
portrayal of the human. In particular, InterCulture is looking to
publish articles that deal with theoretical perspectives from the
humanities to the life sciences that specifically discuss "human" as
it can be categorized and mediated OR the debate about the conception
of the human and what it means to us in the 21st century. InterCulture
is seeking papers that discuss the new context of the human from any
interdisciplinary perspective.
The door is not only open to critiques that pit disciplines against
each other in a continued "culture war" mentality. The possibility
also exists of treating the notion of "human" in a non-reductionist
manner that illuminates conditions necessary for the possibility of
treating this notion. In other words, consideration of conjunctions of
disciplines as a basis for the concepts of "human" that are
interdependent upon one another and usually overlooked are also
welcome topics.
For example, consider the following questions: What does it mean to be
human? Is there some form of inherent priority to the disciplinary
structures that present notions of the human? Do disciplines rest
circularly upon one another for the conception of "human"? In which
direction are the conceptions of the human developing? How do the ways
in which we mediate the human reflect themselves in our conceptions?
Does economics affect our conception of the human? Is there a Red
Shift or a Blue Shift in the articulation of the human? In other
words, are we coming closer to a unified perspective or are the
conceptions becoming irretrievably separated? Is the old literary
conception of the human lost to scientific authority? If so, can we
reshape the category of the human to make it viable again for literary
and cultural studies? How have methodological practices affected our
notions of ourselves?, etc.
Articles and essay that deal with all such questions and more are welcomed.
Other possible topics include:
--How do we know who we are? Standard interdisciplinary views of
mediated humanity.
--Media and the human. How does the public view itself?
--Economics and human behavior.
--Science and Culture and their objects of study.
--Consilience: Can it work?
--Gould vs. Dawkins and the idea of NOMA.
--Foucault 2.0 and the future of discourse theory.
--From homo.sapiens to the Human.
--The Challenge of Evolutionary Psychology
Submission Guidelines
InterCulture publishes material on a rolling basis; please allow 1-3
months for review. Articles should be submitted in MSWord format and
be between 3-8K words in length; book, film, and music reviews should
be between 750-1250 words.
All regular text in submissions must be in 12 point font, Times New
Roman, unless artistic license requires that it be different. In such
a case, please send notification with submission so that the fonts are
not lost during reformatting.
MLA and Chicago citations are considered best for Liberal Arts
submissions. Should the interdisciplinary text require specific
citations dependant upon field of study, please make note of this in
your submission.
All submissions are peer-reviewed.
For creative work, video and images should be submitted in commonly
utilized formats. (e.g., .SWF, MP3, AVI, Real Media, Windows Media,
.JPG, .GIF, .WAV, etc.)
All submissions must include "InterCulture" in the subject heading.
Please send submissions via email to:
Thomas Philbeck
Managing Editor
Copyright Statement:
Authors retain intellectual property rights to their material and may
re-publish it provided that InterCulture is acknowledged as the
original place of publication. Material in InterCulure may be
reproduced in whole or in part for non-profit use for the purposes of
education research, library reference, or stored and/or distributed as
a public service by any networked computer. Any commercial use of this
journal in whole or in part by any means is strictly prohibited
without written permission. Any use of this journal in whole or in
part should include customary bibliographic citation, including author
attribution, date, article title, and electronic retrieval
--Thomas Drew PhilbeckEditor, InterCulture e-JournalDepartment of Interdisciplinary HumanitiesFlorida State ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 19:28:13 EST