CFP: Literature, People of Color and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic (grad) (3/15/07; 4/21/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Kenneth Florey
contact email: 

From: Yesod-Fredrick Douglas Knowles < >

Panel Title: Literature, People of Color and the HIV/Aids Pandemic
Conference: The Eighth Annual SCSU Graduate English Conference, Michael
J. Adanti Student Center, Southern Connecticut State University, New
Haven, CT, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 9:00 am-4:30 pm

Call For Papers:

HIV/AIDS has claimed nearly 25 million lives since its introduction to
the world nearly twenty-five years ago. A large population of such
lives derives from people of color. From the current pandemic in
Africa to the alarming rate of new cases in Asian, Caribbean and
African American communities, HIV/AIDS is leaving a devastating effect
on the global population. This panel will explore the relationship
between HIV/AIDS and people of color. Panel discussion will include
how literature addresses the topic of AIDS, the reluctance of developed
countries to provide aid to underdeveloped countries, the role of race,
poverty and oppression in the spread of HIV/AIDS, talk of AIDS as taboo
in nonwhite communities, the impact of the disease on women of color
and solutions proposed to cease the pandemic.

A proposal for a paper should consist of a 250-350 word abstract.
Paper proposals must also include the paper title, and the name, day
and evening phone numbers, fax number, e-mail address, surface mail
address, and institutional affiliation of the presenter. Please also
include a brief career biography.

Electronic Submissions:
Please send submissions by email to:, either
included in the body of the e-mail message or as an e-mail attachment
(in Word DOC). Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged.

Non-Electronic Submissions:
If you are unable to e-mail your proposal, you may send either a
PC-compatible floppy disk containing the document (in Word DOC) or a
hard copy to:

Yesod-Fredrick Douglas Knowles
English Department
Southern CT State University
501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515.

Hard copy submissions must include a separate cover page with the
name(s), paper/panel title(s) and other details and a second page with
title(s) and abstract(s).

Deadline for receipt of submissions:
5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 2007. You may submit early if you would
like an early decision.

Notification of Acceptance:
Decisions by the conference committee will be on-going, generally
within two weeks of submission of the paper or panel topic. Presenters
will be notified of the conference committee's decision by e-mail. No
decisions will be made after 2 April 2007.

There will be a $20 conference registration fee for attendees and
guests ($5 for Southern CT students and faculty), due by April 2,
2007; on-site registration fees will be $25 ($10 for Southern CT
students and faculty). Registration fees include all food service
(continental breakfast, beverage breaks, and luncheon).

Make checks payable to Department of English/SCSU. Send checks to:

Elspeth McCormack
Graduate Conference 2007 Organizer
English Department
Southern CT State University
501 Crescent Street
New Haven, CT 06515.

Please visit the home page of the
English Department at

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 19:27:03 EST