CFP: The Internet, Publishing, and the Future of Literature (3/31/07; ALSC, 10/12/07-10/14/07)

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Call for Papers

2007 ALSC Conference, Chicago, IL, October 12-14, 2006


The Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC) invites proposals
for papers and presentations to be considered for its thirteenth annual
conference at the Hotel Allegro in Chicago, October 12-14, 2007. The
conference program includes six panels and three seminars. A description of
one of these nine session topics appears below, along with an e-mail address
and other information regarding submissions. Please bear in mind that there
will be many more submissions than can be accepted, and that the criteria
may include not only the merit of the individual submission but the range
and variety of a session's contributions. The pleasure of the conveners is
to see how much stimulating and valuable work is being done; the pain is to
be able to accommodate only part of it in panel or seminar.


Submission form and deadline. Submissions must reach the convener of the
session by March 31, 2007. They should be sent to both (1) the convener of
the panel or seminar and (2) the Association's office at On
your e-mail's "subject" line, please give your name and other information in
the following form: "ALSC 2007, [Name of Session] abstract by [First Name,
Last Name]."


* If you do not send copies to both the convener and the ALSC, we
cannot guarantee that you will receive an e-mail notice ackowledging receipt
of your proposal.


* For details regarding submission length, please refer to the
individual instructions for each session.


* You must be a member of the ALSC in good standing to participate in
the conference program as a panelist or seminarian. ALSC members receive a
discount on conference registration.


* For a complete listing of session topics and information about how
to join the ALSC, visit our website at




The 2007 Conference in Chicago will continue the tradition established in
2004 of offering seminars designed to increase participation of the
membership in the conference and giving them another excellent reason to
attend. Modeled on what has worked successfully for such organizations as
the Shakespeare Association of America and the Modernist Studies
Association, these three seminars will each be led by a distinguished member
of the Association.

Each seminar will have fifteen (15) guaranteed places, and each person
accepted for a seminar will receive an official letter of invitation to the
conference and will be listed in its program. Seminar participants will
write brief position papers (2-4 pages maximum, double-spaced), and will
circulate their papers to the other participants and read all the papers
prior to the conference. The listing of the titles in the conference program
should help participants obtain travel funding for the conference from their
home colleges and universities. Senior scholars are eligible to apply for
these seminars, but graduate students and junior faculty especially are
encouraged to do so; we hope that senior scholars and others will spread the
word and encourage their graduate students and junior colleagues to apply.
The three seminars will run concurrently. Those admitted as participants in
each seminar will participate in the actual discussion, but anyone at the
conference is welcome to attend one of the seminars as an auditor-not a
participant-provided there is sufficient room. Details on submission of
abstracts are given above and on the topics of the seminars below.


Seminar: The Internet, Publishing, and the Future of Literature

Convener: John Holbo (National University of Singapore)

What role will the Internet play in publishing, scholarly research, cultural
journalism, and literary commentary in general? Do bloggers have a role to
play in cultural and literary discussion comparable to their developing
importance in political reporting and argument? How will e-publishing affect
scholarship, university presses, promotion and tenure? What will become of
the book? How has it already affected the publication of monographs,
journals, and scholarly editions? To what extent has it made literature and
critical discussion more available? Has it advanced or undermined
fundamental skills in reading and writing? Has it begun to affect how
literary writers actually write? This seminar concerns itself with what is
to come and, for seminar purposes, participants are encouraged to adopt
attitudes that range from cautiously optimistic to wildly utopian, although
intelligent Cassandras may apply. Participants should send proposals or
abstracts for 2-4 page papers to Professor John Holbo, Singapore University,
Singapore. (



Michael Gouin-Hart

Executive Director

Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC)

650 Beacon Street, Suite 510

Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Phone: 617-358-1990 / Fax: 617-358-1995

Email: / Internet:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 19:26:54 EST
