CFP: Winnifred Eaton Symposium (3/1/07; 3/16/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Lesia Koczekan
contact email: 

Winnifred Eaton Symposium

Student papers are invited for a one-day symposium on Winnifred Eaton's and/or
Edith Eaton's life and work at Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, to be
held March 16, 2007. The symposium is part of the Winnifred Eaton project,
which also includes a book exhibit, and guest speaker Dr. Jean Lee Cole, of
the Department of English, Loyola College, Maryland, and author of The
Literary Voices of Winnifred Eaton: Redefining Ethnicity and Authenticity.

The project is sponsored by Leadership Mount Allison, the programmes of
Canadian Studies, American Studies, and the Department of English. Dr. Jean
Lee Cole, who will be speaking the evening of March 15th, is a Marjorie Young
Bell Distinguished Speaker.

Inquiries and paper proposals (of no more than 350 words in length) should be
directed to Lesia Koczekan <> and should be received by March
1st, 2007.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 19:28:05 EST