CFP: Writing the Caribbean in the U.S. (3/10/07; MLA '07)

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=E2=80=9CWriting the Caribbean in the U.S.=E2=80=9D: How do writers of Car=
ibbean heritage,=20
who are located in the U.S., reconfigure =E2=80=9CCaribbean=E2=80=9D literat=
ure? Possible=20
topics: diaspora, linguistic crossings, disciplinary boundaries, shifting ra=
and ethnic identities, responses to U.S. imperialism, native=20
spaces/informants, Caribbean writers and the U.S. academy. 1-page abstract a=
nd cv by 10 Mar.=20
to A. Shemak (

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Received on Fri Feb 16 2007 - 20:54:13 EST