CFP: Adaptation in Film and Performance (4/16/07; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Hand R J \(CCI\)
contact email: 

Call for Papers for New Journal:
Adaptation in Film and Performance
Volume 1, Number 1

Editors: Richard J. Hand & Katja Krebs

Adaptation in the form of the conversion of oral, historical or
fictional narratives into stage drama has been common practice for
centuries. In our own time the processes of cross-generic transformation
continue to be extremely important in theatre as well as in the film and
other media industries. Adaptation and the related areas of translation
and intertextuality continue to have a central place in our culture with
a profound resonance across our civilisation. As an academic discipline,
Adaptation Studies has begun to establish itself in the last few decades
as an important area of scholarship and research which continues to make
significant contributions to our analysis and understanding of a complex
and increasingly globalised world culture.

Adaptation in Film and Performance is a new, peer-reviewed journal
designed to engage with specific issues relating to performance on
stage, film, television, radio and other media. Embracing comfortably
these disciplines under the umbrella of adaptation theories and
practices, it attempts to challenge widespread views of national
cultural histories and global constructions of performance culture by
analysing methods, histories and occurrences of adaptation across a
range of media.=20

Adaptation in Film and Performance will be published by Intellect three
times a year with its first issue of volume 1 to appear in December
2007. It is aimed at an international community of researchers and
scholars who wish to engage with and explore new approaches to the study
of adaptation, performance and cultural history.

We are currently accepting completed papers, 4,000 - 6,000 words in
length, on historical, theoretical or practice-based considerations and
discussions of adaptation in performance in the context of one of the
following topics:

* Translation as adaptation=20
* Theatre=20
* Film=20
* Television=20
* Radio=20
* Gaming=20
* Graphic narratives=20

Please, send your completed papers accompanied by a short CV to the
editors Richard Hand and Katja Krebs no later than 16 April 2007 to be
included in the first issue in December 2007. If you would like to
discuss any specific proposals before submitting a completed paper,
please contact the editors.

Prof Richard J. Hand,=20
Professor of Theatre and Media Drama,=20
Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries,
University of Glamorgan,=20
CF37 1DL. Wales. UK.=20

Dr Katja Krebs,=20
Head of the Division of Drama,=20
Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries,
University of Glamorgan,=20
CF37 1DL. Wales. UK.=20

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Received on Sat Feb 24 2007 - 13:12:39 EST