CFP: Conference on Australia and New Zealand Studies (Denmark) (no deadline noted; 9/26/07-9/30/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Eva Rask Knudsen
contact email: 


European Association for Studies of Australia
9th Biennial EASA Conference
26-30 September 2007
University of Roskilde and University of Copenhagen

Translating Cultures: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific

The 2007 EASA conference represents a new point of departure in calling for
submissions that consider New Zealand and Pacific as well as Australian
topics. The conference theme echoes the 'translation turn' in cultural
studies. To translate is usually understood as the linguistic activity of
'turning from one language to another', but it also conveys the more
deep-rooted etymological sense of 'to take over', or 'conquer'. Translation
is never simple or straightforward but raises complex questions about the
nature of culture, knowledge and meaning. It also involves processes which
have been instrumental in creating the literary, historical, political and
social landscapes of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific across a broad
spectrum. We particularly welcome submissions that are concerned with
multiculturalism, migration, refugee issues, and indigenous studies.
Equally, however, the theme can be brought to bear on disciplines as
diverse as literature, theatre, the visual arts, history, the social
sciences, language studies, law and media studies, and we therefore
encourage a liberal and creative approach to 'translating cultures',
ranging from the obvious to the off-beat.
The conference venue is to be shared between the University of Roskilde and
the University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen will be staging a series of papers
and lectures on the theme: Australia: What's Left? The purpose of this
event is to offer a critical reflection on the shifting foundations of
Australian political culture in the light of more than a decade of
conservative Government. A number of prominent Australian intellectuals,
artists and writers have been invited to consider 'what's left' of
Aboriginal reconciliation, 'multiculturalism', Asian engagement, Australian
history and the Australian environment. It is not intended as an occasion
for promoting a partisan cause, but rather an opportunity to come to grips
with the very real political and social pressures that have transformed the
temper of Australian life in recent years.
Accompanying event:
One day immediately after the conference will be devoted to the third EASA
Postgraduate Seminar, where advanced students can discuss their work with
experts in their field in a lecture cum workshop-format.


Mads Clausen, Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University
Lars Jensen, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University
Eva Rask Knudsen, Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University
Kirsten Holst Petersen, Depts. of Cultural Encounters and English, Roskilde
Ulla Rahbek, Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University
Stuart Ward, Centre for Australian Studies, Copenhagen University

For further details consult the EASA website:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Mar 09 2007 - 00:53:05 EST