CFP: D.H. Lawrence: Gender, Sexuality and Popular Culture (4/15/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)
D.H. Lawrence: Gender, Sexuality and Popular Culture
Proposed Special Session Topic for 2007 M/MLA Annual Convention
November 8-11, The Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio
Critical assessments of Lawrence's representations of gender and =
sexuality have relied mainly on biographical approaches. Such =
assessments may emphasize an Oedipal complex, a fraught relationship =
with his wife Frieda, a need for male authority arising out of =
impotence, or a troubled relationship with a repressed homosexual =
nature. While these approaches are valid and should not be dismissed, =
they should be supplemented with cultural and historical approaches that =
contextualize Lawrence's representations of gender and sexuality, =
identifying the various discourses that inform Lawrence's work. =
Particularly needed are critical assessments of Lawrence's relationship =
to popular culture. One contemporary critic has noted the connection =
between Lawrence's late work and interwar erotic fiction and film, =
breaking new ground, but more needs to be done on situating Lawrence's =
representations of gender and sexuality in the context of popular =
culture, broadly conceived. This panel aims to explore Lawrence's work =
from such a perspective, bringing much needed historical and cultural =
approaches to Lawrentian studies. Email 300-word abstracts by April 15, =
2007 to Mitch Lewis at
For the complete call for papers visit:
--Dr. Mitchell R. LewisAssistant Professor of EnglishElmira, CollegeOne Park PlaceElmira, NY 14901mlewis_at_elmira.eduPhone: (607) 735-1709 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Fri Mar 09 2007 - 11:14:44 EST