CFP: General Themes in Literature (6/25/07; collection)
General Themes in Literature (Ed. Jennifer McClinton-Temple, Facts on
File, Inc, Forthcoming 2009).
Facts on File, Inc is putting together an ambitious, three-volume
reference work that will guide late high school and college students
through the most commonly reoccurring themes in the most commonly
assigned works of literature. The work will begin with 1500-word essays
on the 50 most common themes in literature. Part II will consist of
explorations of those themes in the 300 most commonly assigned works of
literature in American high schools and colleges. Contributors will be
assigned one or more works from the "Works List" below, and then, in
collaboration with the editor, will choose three themes from the "Themes
List" below. Contributors will then craft a 250-word Introduction and
three 750-word essays on the chosen themes. These essays are to be close
readings of the text, and require no outside sources.=20
Due dates are as follows:
Essay on Theme One: June 25, 2007
Essay on Theme Two and Introduction: September 30, 2007
Essay on Theme Three: January 15, 2008
Payment for essays will be in presentational offprints and, for any
contributor who writes on two or more works, a copy of the books. All
essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors will
appear in the back of the book. =20
List of available works may be found at the publication's website:
If you are interested in one or more works, please visit the website and
send query to Jennifer McClinton-Temple
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Mar 09 2007 - 00:53:05 EST