CFP: Textuality and Canon Formation in the Renaissance (4/15/07; SAMLA, 11/9/07-11/11/07)
SAMLA Convention, November 9-11, 2007, in Atlanta
Textual and Bibliographical Studies Session
"Textuality and Canon Formation in the Renaissance"
Papers are invited that explore the impact of textual and
bibliographic practice on the emergence of a prominent corpus of
English literary texts in the early modern period. Inquiries might
include the relationship between manuscript and print; editorial
decisions and textual presentation; the influence of reading
communities; generic transformations and displacements; the
convergence of English literature and nationalism; the politics of
anthologizing; and so on. This panel will explore the textual means by
which certain texts rise to prominence: What gets privileged, and how?
Who makes these decisions in the period? Alternatively, what slips
away (or is made to slip away), and why? How can textual and
bibliographical studies reveal the mechanisms that determine reading
preferences both then and now? Papers welcomed that focus on single
authors, specific genres, or individual works, as well as those that
adopt a more general approach.
By April 15, 2007, please send 250-500 word abstracts to Tricia A.
McElroy, University of Alabama, via email ( or by
post (Department of English, Box 870244, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0244).
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Mar 09 2007 - 00:52:46 EST