CFP: H. G. Wells, Science and Philosophy (UK) (6/11/07; 9/28/07-9/29/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Mclean, Steven
contact email: 

H. G. Wells, Science and Philosophy

The H. G. Wells Society Annual Conference, Imperial College/Conway Hall, London, 28-29 September 2007


Proposals for 20-minute papers, or for panels of 2-3 papers, are invited for this year's H. G. Wells Society Annual conference. The conference will be hosted by both Imperial College, London (on the 28 September) and by Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London (on the 29 September). The first day of the event will include a plenary lecture by the science fiction writer, Stephen Baxter.

The conference will focus on 'Wells, Science and Philosophy'. Proposals may centre on either Wells and science or Wells and philosophy exclusively, or might examine the intersection of both science and philosophy in the author's work. Proposals might focus on, but are not limited to: Wells and evolutionary biology; Wells and Physics; Wells and Darwin/Huxley; Wells and Astronomy; Wells and Plato; Wells and Liberalism.

            Proposals of 300 words should be submitted via email attachment, no late than June 11 2007. Please include a brief biographical note, and send proposals with 'Wells, Science and Philosophy' as the subject, to Dr Steven McLean, at the following address:

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              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 13 2007 - 20:36:26 EST
