CFP: Poetics of Globalisation (UK) (3/26/07; 5/2/07)
Workshop: The Poetics of Globalisation=20
May 2, Centre for Contemporary Writing, University of Southampton
The implications of the ubiquitous languages of 'globalization' for literar=
y and cultural critique are far from clear. The term is deeply ambivalent, =
suggesting both a political critique of the neo-liberal agenda and an acces=
sion to the universalizing assumptions of its corporate entities. This work=
shop offers literary critics the opportunity to assess and openly debate th=
e significance of the theoretical and political frameworks of globalization=
for the study of literature.=20
Specific issues to be addressed include:=20=20
=B7 How does literature allow us to better understand the impact an=
d effects of globalization: on the body, on the nation, on work?
=B7 How can globalization be understood as a cultural, as well as e=
conomic and political, entity? What cultural and literary forms has it prod=
uced? What kinds of engagement with the economic and political do these cul=
tural forms demand or produce?=20
=B7 What are the languages of globalization? How new are they? How =
do they supplement or replace existing discourses of Marxism, post-colonial=
ism, or postmodernism?=20
This afternoon workshop is intended to facilitate discussion between specia=
lists working in these emerging areas. It will consist of a two two-hour pa=
nels (with two or three speakers in each) and one extended roundtable discu=
Proposals of maximum 200 words are sought for twenty-minute workshop papers=
, as well as for short (max 5 minutes) 'position papers' for the concluding=
discussion. Proposals from postgraduate students and academics are both en=
Deadline for Proposals: March 26th.=20
Please email proposals or enquiries to Nicky Marsh at
Confirmed participants include:=20
=B7 Professor Michael Davidson (University of California, San Diego)
=B7 Professor Jeff Derksen (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver)
=B7 Dr Liam Connell (University of Herfordshire, UK)=20
=B7 Dr Keston Sutherland (University of Sussex, UK)
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 13 2007 - 20:33:33 EST