
displaying 1 - 15 of 126

UPDATE: Giving & Taking Offense (Portugal) (4/15/07; 6/21/07-6/22/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
David Callahan

Giving & Taking Offense
University of Aveiro, Portugal

We are pleased to inform people interested in
attending the two-day conference on "Giving and
Taking Offence" at the University of Aveiro,
Portugal on the 21st and 22nd June 2007 that
proposals will be accepted until the 15th April
2007, and that the following people have agreed
to be our plenary speakers:

Prof. David Lavery, Head of Film and TV Studies
at Brunel University, London, who will be
speaking on "H**y F*****g Sh*t: Profanation,
Parody, and Bleeping American Unreality in The
Onion, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report".

UPDATE: Giving & Taking Offense (Portugal) (4/15/07; 6/21/07-6/22/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
David Callahan

Giving & Taking Offense
University of Aveiro, Portugal

We are pleased to inform people interested in
attending the two-day conference on "Giving and
Taking Offence" at the University of Aveiro,
Portugal on the 21st and 22nd June 2007 that
proposals will be accepted until the 15th April
2007, and that the following people have agreed
to be our plenary speakers:

Prof. David Lavery, Head of Film and TV Studies
at Brunel University, London, who will be
speaking on "H**y F*****g Sh*t: Profanation,
Parody, and Bleeping American Unreality in The
Onion, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report".

UPDATE: Giving & Taking Offense (Portugal) (4/15/07; 6/21/07-6/22/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
David Callahan

Giving & Taking Offense
University of Aveiro, Portugal

We are pleased to inform people interested in
attending the two-day conference on "Giving and
Taking Offence" at the University of Aveiro,
Portugal on the 21st and 22nd June 2007 that
proposals will be accepted until the 15th April
2007, and that the following people have agreed
to be our plenary speakers:

Prof. David Lavery, Head of Film and TV Studies
at Brunel University, London, who will be
speaking on "H**y F*****g Sh*t: Profanation,
Parody, and Bleeping American Unreality in The
Onion, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report".

CFP: Epistemologies of Torture (grad) (3/25/07; 4/6/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
Eric L. Martinsen

The 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Consortium for
Literature, Theory & Culture at the University of California, Santa

Epistemologies of Torture: Limits, Bodies, Black Sites
Friday, 6 April 2007
Centennial House, UC Santa Barbara


Abstracts Due: Sunday, March 25
Send to: tortureconference_at_yahoo.com

Keynote Speakers:

Alicia Partnoy (poet, activist, torture survivor and author of The
Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival in Argentina)

CFP: Epistemologies of Torture (grad) (3/25/07; 4/6/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
Eric L. Martinsen

The 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Consortium for
Literature, Theory & Culture at the University of California, Santa

Epistemologies of Torture: Limits, Bodies, Black Sites
Friday, 6 April 2007
Centennial House, UC Santa Barbara


Abstracts Due: Sunday, March 25
Send to: tortureconference_at_yahoo.com

Keynote Speakers:

Alicia Partnoy (poet, activist, torture survivor and author of The
Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival in Argentina)

CFP: Epistemologies of Torture (grad) (3/25/07; 4/6/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
Eric L. Martinsen

The 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Consortium for
Literature, Theory & Culture at the University of California, Santa

Epistemologies of Torture: Limits, Bodies, Black Sites
Friday, 6 April 2007
Centennial House, UC Santa Barbara


Abstracts Due: Sunday, March 25
Send to: tortureconference_at_yahoo.com

Keynote Speakers:

Alicia Partnoy (poet, activist, torture survivor and author of The
Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival in Argentina)

CFP: Epistemologies of Torture (grad) (3/25/07; 4/6/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:51pm
Eric L. Martinsen

The 5th Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Consortium for
Literature, Theory & Culture at the University of California, Santa

Epistemologies of Torture: Limits, Bodies, Black Sites
Friday, 6 April 2007
Centennial House, UC Santa Barbara


Abstracts Due: Sunday, March 25
Send to: tortureconference_at_yahoo.com

Keynote Speakers:

Alicia Partnoy (poet, activist, torture survivor and author of The
Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival in Argentina)

CFP: Structuralism(s) Today (4/15/07; 10/11/07-10/14/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:50pm

"In arriving at structuralism, literary studies simply join the
general tendency of contemporary thought. Throughout almost the entire
realm of contemporary scholarship the discovery of the dynamic
relations which pervade its material has proven to be an effective
modus operandi ? for example, in the disciplines of the arts and in
general aesthetics, in psychology, sociology, linguistics, economics,
and even in the natural sciences" (J. Mukarovský, 1934)

CFP: Structuralism(s) Today (4/15/07; 10/11/07-10/14/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:50pm

"In arriving at structuralism, literary studies simply join the
general tendency of contemporary thought. Throughout almost the entire
realm of contemporary scholarship the discovery of the dynamic
relations which pervade its material has proven to be an effective
modus operandi ? for example, in the disciplines of the arts and in
general aesthetics, in psychology, sociology, linguistics, economics,
and even in the natural sciences" (J. Mukarovský, 1934)

CFP: Short Fiction (8/31/07; journal issue)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:50pm
Chitiga, Miriam



Short Story, a refereed journal dedicated to every aspect of the short story, will bring out a special issue in the spring of 2008 on the theme "African Diaspora in North America and the Caribbean." Editors of Short Story solicit previously unpublished short stories, critical essays, book reviews, and interviews for publication on this theme. Diverse themes, interpretations and perspectives are welcome.


Abstracts are not required but may be emailed to lhill_at_claflin.edu. Full submissions must be emailed to lhill_at_claflin.edu or snailmailed and postmarked by August 31, 2007.

Mail to :

Linda Hill, Associate Professor of English,

CFP: America in the Modernist Imaginary (4/22/07; MSA, 11/1/07-11/4/07)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:50pm
Annalisa Zox-Weaver

America in the Modernist Imaginary

Freud visited in 1909, enjoying the cinema, but complaining about the richness of the food; Henry Miller dubbed it the
“Air-Conditioned Nightmare”; in America Day By Day, Simone de Beauvoir admires drugstore food but condemns class
inequality and racial strife; in Lolita Vladimir Nabokov documents his own affections for American kitsch culture; Gertrude
Stein struggled to win over the American reading public, but wrote afterward that “In America everybody is [a celebrity]
but some are more than others. I was more than others.”

UPDATE: Journal of Interactive Drama Fast-Track Submissions (ASAP; journal issue)

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7:50pm
Brian David Phillips

JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE DRAMA Immediate Need for Fast-Track Submissions

The current April issue of the JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE DRAMA has space for up to two immediate submissions. See http://www.rpg.net/larp/journal/index.html for more information about the journal. The journal considers new submissions at any time but we have an immediate need for pieces for the current issue. Submissions within the next week will be fast-tracked for immediate editorial vetting.


