CFP: SF and Fantasy Literature: Open Call (ongoing; journal issue)
*Extrapolation* is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes
articles and book reviews on science fiction and fantasy texts, broadly
conceived. Beginning with the Fall 2007 issue, the journal will be edited
Javier A. Martinez, University of Texas=97Brownsville, Executive Editor (** <>)
Andrew M. Butler, Canterbury Christ Church University (** <>)
Michael Levy, University of Wisconsin=97Stout
Sherryl Vint, Brock University (**<sherryl.vint_at_gmail=
Patricia Melzer, Temple University, Book Review Editor
We invite papers on all areas of speculative culture, including print, film=
television, comic books and video games, and we particularly encourage
papers which consider popular texts within their larger cultural context. =
welcome papers from a wide variety of critical approaches including but not
limited to literary criticism, utopian studies, genre criticism, feminist
theory, critical race studies, queer theory, and postcolonial theory.
*Extrapolation* promotes innovative work which considers the place of
speculative texts in contemporary culture. We are interested in promoting
dialogue among scholars working within a number of traditions and in
encouraging the serious study of popular culture.
We welcome submissions on all areas of science fiction and fantasy, and are
particularly interested in the following areas of study:
=B0 Racial constructions in speculative genres
=B0 Children's and YA sf and fantasy
=B0 Sexualities
=B0 Fantastic motifs in mainstream texts
=B0 Gender and speculative texts
=B0 History of sf and fantasy
=B0 New weird fiction
=B0 Remakes, rewriting and retrofitting
=B0 Pulp sf and fantasy
=B0 The body in speculative texts
=B0 Posthumanism
=B0 Political sf and fantasy
=B0 Non-Western speculative traditions
=B0 Technoculture
Essays should be approximately 4000-9000 words, written according to MLA
standards and include a 100 word abstract. Neither embedded footnotes nor
generated footnotes that some software systems make available should be
used. Electronic submissions in MS Word are encouraged. Submissions shoul=
be sent to:
** <>
Javier A. Martinez
Department of English
University of Texas at Brownsville
80 Fort Brown
Brownsville, TX 78520
If you are interested in reviewing a book for *Extrapolation* or if you hav=
published a book you would like reviewed by *Extrapolation*, please contact=
* *
Patricia Melzer
Director, Women's Studies Program
Temple University
816 Anderson Hall
1114 West Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 1912
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Apr 26 2007 - 18:05:36 EDT