CFP: [General] Speaking the Story: Orality and Fiction (NeMLA Session)

full name / name of organization:,

Speaking the Story: Orality and Fiction

39th Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 10-13, 2008
Buffalo, New York

This panel invites papers on all aspects of orality in fiction. Any national/cultural framework is
welcome, though attention to cultural context as well as theoretical framework is encouraged.
Dimensions of orality explored may include, but are not limited to, literary uses of oral voice,
structure, and inset story; formal aesthetics; orality and print in postcolonial contexts; oral
history in/through fiction; hearing and reading in the public/private spheres; and fictional
representations of oral storytelling tradition. Please send 250 - 500 word abstract and one-page
CV to Trinna Frever, Ph.D., by Sept 14. Inquiries directed to the same
address are welcome.

Please include “NeMLA” in the subject line of your message. Also include with your abstract:

Name and Affiliation
Email address
Postal address
Telephone number
A/V requirements (if any)

The Northeast Modern Language Association is a regional division of the MLA. Additional
conference information may be found on the NeMLA website:
index.html . Please note that while interested participants may submit abstracts to more than
one NeMLA panel, panelists may only present one paper. Please advise session organizer of
multiple submissions.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Tue Aug 14 2007 - 10:48:41 EDT