CFP: [General] The Pretty that Hurts: The Cult of Pain and Violating the Body (Grad Panel, 10/15/07; 2/29/08-3/1/08
>From self-mutilation to the rise of plastic surgery; from the Gothic
genre to representations of pain in media and art, how has transgressing
the body yielded consequences for artists and audiences? This panel seeks
critical and creative presentations that explore these questions.
Submit 350-word paper proposals by October 15 to the Southwest Graduate
English Symposium, held at Arizona State University, February 29-March 1,
2008. Please include your name, professional affiliation, home and office
numbers, mailing address, and email address. Also, please include any A/V
requirements with your submission.
Submit all proposals and questions to (Attention:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
more information at
Received on Mon Oct 01 2007 - 13:39:28 EDT