UPDATE: [General] International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts

full name / name of organization: 
Graham J. Murphy
contact email: 

The 29th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
Delightful Horror and the Sense of Wonder:
Appreciating the Sublime in the Fantastic

[Feel free to distribute this updated Call for Papers]

The 29th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts will be
held March 19-23, 2008, at the Orlando Airport Marriott in Orlando,
Florida. The conference begins at 3pm on Wednesday and ends 5 pm
Saturday, concluding with a conference banquet on Saturday night. The
focus of ICFA-29 is on the relationship between the sense of wonder
embodied by the sublime and the fantastic in literature, film, and other
media. The sheer magnitude of the universe gives rise to the amazing, the
astonishing, the astounding, the thrilling, and the wondrous. Edmund Burke
argued it is “infinity [that] has a tendency to fill the mind with that
sort of delightful horror which is the most genuine effect and truest test
of the sublime.” It then should come as no surprise that the sublime has
been a mainstay in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other related
fantastic modes. Papers are invited that explore this topic. In addition,
we especially look forward to papers on the work of our guests:

Guest of Honor: Vernor Vinge, author of “The Technological Singularity”
and Hugo Award-winning A Fire Upon the Deep.

Guest of Honor: Greer Ilene Gilman, author of the Crawford Award-winning

Guest Scholar: Roger Luckhurst, author of The Trauma Paradigm (Routledge)
and Science Fiction (Polity Press).

As always, we also welcome proposals for individual papers and for
academic sessions and panels on any aspect of the fantastic in any media.
The new deadline is October 31, 2007 but we will be happy to consider
papers until the original deadline (November 30).

We encourage work from institutionally-affiliated scholars, independent
scholars, international scholars who work in languages other than English,
graduate students, and undergraduate students.

The Jamie Bishop Memorial Award for an Essay Not in English is open to all
members of the IAFA. The IAFA Graduate Student Award is open to all
graduate students presenting papers at the year’s conference. Details are
available via Robin Reid, Second Vice-President (Robin_Reid_at_tamu-
commerce.edu). Finally, the Dell Magazines Undergraduate Science Fiction
Award will also be handed out at this year’s conference.

Please See Page Two (Over) for Submission Guidelines
Look for Information and Updates at the IAFA website: www.iafa.org
Submission Guidelines

In order to be considered for the 2008 program, your proposal to (1) read
a paper, (2) recruit and chair a paper session, or (3) organize and chair
a panel discussion should be date-stamped no later than October 31, 2007
(please note new date); electronic correspondence is welcome. Proposals
must be sent to the appropriate Division Head (addresses below). Advise
the Division Head if you would like to volunteer to chair a paper session.
Proposals must include a 500-word abstract and appropriate bibliography
indicating the project's scholarly or theoretical context. Presenters must
be members of IAFA at the time of the conference. Be sure to indicate all
audio-visual equipment needs in this initial proposal; later A/V requests
cannot be guaranteed.

All aspects of the fantastic in work aimed at children and young adults.
Division Head: Joe Sutliff Sanders, California State University, Dept. of
English, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA, 92407-2397
All aspects of the fantastic in British, American and Commonwealth
literature. Division Head: Charles W. Nelson, Humanities Dept., Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931 (CWNELSON_at_MTU.EDU).

All aspects of the fantastic in television, video, and film. Division
Head: Susan A. George, Gender & Women's Studies, University of California,
Berkeley, 3326 Dwinelle Hall, Berkeley CA 94720-1070

All aspects of the fantastic in fan cultures and communities, including
fan fiction, comics/graphic novels, filking, conventions, hypertexts,
viral marketing, RPG. Division Head: Barbara Lucas, VIS, 31225 Bainbridge
Rd, Suite M, Solon OH 44139 (BARBEDWRITING_at_YAHOO.COM).

All aspects of the fantastic in live drama, music, dance, sculpture, body
art, and photography and digital imagery. Division Head: Stefan Hall,
Bowling Green State University, Dept. of Theatre and Film, 338 South
Hall, Bowling Green, OH, 43403-0180 (STEFANH_at_BGNET.BGSU.EDU)

All aspects of horror in mainstream and popular literature, including
literary traditions, aesthetics, psychological constructs, and comparative
influences. Division Head: Stephanie Moss, 10032 N. 52nd. Street, Tampa,
FL 33517 (SMOSS_at_CAS.USF.EDU).

All aspects of the fantastic in international and comparative literature.
Division Head: Dale Knickerbocker, Dept. of Foreign Languages, East
Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 (KNICKERBOCKERD_at_MAIL.ECU.EDU).

All aspects of science fiction literature, history, and theory. Division
Head: Sherryl Vint, Dept. of English Literature, Brock University, St.
Catharines, ON, L2S 3A1 (SVINT_at_BROCKU.CA).

March 19-23, 2008
Marriott Orlando Airport Hotel
Look for Information and Updates at the IAFA website: www.iafa.org

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Received on Mon Oct 08 2007 - 18:15:48 EDT