CFP: [Romantic] CFP

full name / name of organization:, Shaping Readers

Call for Papers
The Second Annual Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference
April 2nd â€" 4th 2008
University College Cork

Conference Theme: Shaping Readers: Selection and Editing

Plenary Speaker: Professor Alistair McCleery, Co-Director of SAPPHIRE,
Professor of Literature and Culture at Napier University, and co-editor
of The Book History Reader

Following on from the success of last year’s conference, the Making
Books, Shaping Readers project at the Department of English, University
College Cork, invite submissions for twenty-minute papers on the theme
Shaping Readers: Selection and Editing. We encourage individual proposals
as well as suggestions for panels.

The conference will explore the editor’s role in shaping the material we
read, which in turn shapes our reception of the text. Editions of texts
are at the core of all research in the humanities, and our readings of,
and responses to, texts are often subtly shaped by editorial decisions
and selections. Editorial processes are not objective or neutral, and
frequently happen without comment. Papers might focus on, but are not
limited to, some of the following:

• What is an editor?
• Textual ‘corruption’
• Authorial intention
• The social text
• The role of the publisher
• Textual variants
• The reader as editor
• The role of technology
• Theories of selection and compilation
• The effect of selection and editing on materiality
• Anthologies, scholarly editions and canon formation

In keeping with the interdisciplinary nature of the project, we invite
papers from scholars in all disciplines. Selected papers may be included
in a an edited volume. Accepted abstracts will be published on our
website prior to the conference.

Abstracts (300-500 words) should be sent to the organisers: Dr Siobhán
Collins, Dr Carrie Griffin and Mary O’ Connell, at no later
than 14th January 2008.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Tue Oct 23 2007 - 11:48:30 EDT
