CFP: [20th] Interactive Hemingway (12/21/07; ALA 5/22/08-5/25/08)

full name / name of organization: 
Suzanne del Gizzo
contact email: 

The Hemingway Society invites proposals for a panel at the 2007 American
Literature Association Conference in San Francisco, CA
entitled “Interactive Hemingway”.

This panel aims to explore interactive approaches to teaching and/or
presenting Hemingway’s life, novels, short stories (including The Nick
Adams Stories collection), newspaper dispatches, as well as his work as a
war correspondent using new media and/or technologies. Panelists might
explore teaching Hemingway with film (films made from his writings and/or
documentary pieces generated for teaching), the use and/or creation of
websites, you-tube resources, etc., the use of PowerPoint, audio files,
performance, etc.

In keeping with the panel’s theme, we wish to design a session that also
emphasizes interaction between presenters and attendees. In order to
maximize time for discussion and exchange, papers/presentations should be
approximately 12-15 minutes. We may also ask presenters to permit us to
post relevant materials on a session website prior to the conference.

Abstracts should be approximately 250 words and should be sent to both
Suzanne del Gizzo and Todd Thomas
by December 21st. Please include your name, academic affiliation, and
any audio-visual requests in your proposal.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Tue Oct 23 2007 - 22:30:39 EDT