CFP: [Computing-Internet] Digital Projects Poster Session (11/25/07; SHARP 6/24/08-6/28/08)
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing
International Conference
Hosted by the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies
Oxford, England
June 24 - June 26, 2008
This year’s conference theme, Teaching and the Text, is an appropriate
opportunity to highlight SHARP’s commitment to digital humanities
projects, tools or techniques or work in progress.
The session also encourages proposals from any college or university
digital humanities program, center or group to present a poster that
overviews their program. Posters may include a demonstration, traditional
printed poster or a combination of both.
A brief bio and short abstracts (250-300 words) should be submitted to
Katherine D. Harris ( before November 25, 2007.
Please include any technical requirements (e.g., Internet access). This
panel will undergo the normal review procedure by the SHARP conference
committee. One participant for each proposal must be a member of SHARP
prior to the conference.
Founded in 1991, the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and
Publishing is a global network of literary scholars, historians,
librarians, booksellers, and publishing professionals. With more than
1,000 members in over 20 countries, SHARP works in concert with a number
of affiliated scholarly organizations around the world to encourage the
study of book history.
The conference theme, Teaching and Text, reflects the historical and
contemporary position of Oxford as a seat of learning and a centre of
academic and professional publishing. It will be developed through an
opening plenary lecture by Professor Juliet Gardiner (author of Wartime
Britain 1939-1945), by a panel on the History of Oxford University Press
led by Professor Simon Eliot (Chair in the History of the Book at the
School of Advanced Studies, University of London), and a final plenary
panel chaired by Professor John Barnard (Emeritus Professor of English
Literature, University of Leeds), and featuring as panellists Dr. David
McKitterick (Librarian and Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge); Dr. Peter
McDonald (Rank Fellow and University Lecturer in English Language and
Literature, St Hugh’s College, Oxford); Dr. Sydney Shep (Senior Lecturer
in Print & Book Culture and The Printer, Wai-te-ata Press, Victoria
University of Wellington); and Professor Kathryn Sutherland (Professor of
Bibliography and Textual Criticism, St Anne’s College, Oxford). Further
plenary sessions will be announced later. The AGM will be hosted by
Oxford University Press, and followed by a reception. Additional social
events will include a banquet at Magdalen College and receptions at
Blackwells Bookshop and the Bodleian Library.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
more information at
Received on Fri Oct 26 2007 - 15:27:37 EDT