CFP: [Cultural-Historical] Objects and Memory CSA Conference May 22-24

full name / name of organization: 
James Krasner
contact email: 

We invite abstracts to form a panel on objects and memory for the 2008
Cultural Studies Association conference at New York University in May.
This panel will explore the function of objects, whether private mementos
or public relics, as material representations of past identity.
Possible topics may include the relationship between object memory and
trauma, history, the body or space, as well as the role of material
memory in forensics, the city, domestic identity, warfare, advertising
and museum culture. We welcome proposals from interdisciplinary
perspectives addressing a variety of cultural texts including film,
material culture, literature, photography, etc. To submit to this panel,
please send an abstract of 500 words and a short CV to James Krasner at by Monday, November 5. Please copy your
proposal into the body of the email and also attach it as a document.
For further information about the CSA conference, visit their website

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Received on Fri Oct 26 2007 - 08:56:02 EDT