CFP: [Renaissance] George Herbertâs Travels: International Print and Cultural Legacies
George Herbert’s Travels: International Print and Cultural Legacies
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
10-11 October, 2008
Plenary Speakers:
Richard Strier of the University of Chicago, Elizabeth Clarke of the
University of Warwick, and Judith Maltby of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
Two University Presses have expressed interest in publication of conference
We invite both paper and full panel proposals from literary scholars,
historians, and scholars of religion who seek to discuss George Herbert’s
print “afterlife†and reception history from a variety of disciplinary
perspectivesâ€"in poetry from Vaughan to Blake and Dickinson to Bishop; as a
proverbialist; as an honorary Puritan, Methodist, Anglo-Catholic, and
skeptic; as a figure in Reformation politics, and in the history of
pastoral theory and political moderation; and in his varied cultural cameo
appearances: not only in poetry, but in music, fiction, and film; and even
as a namesake to presidents and eminent Victorians.
More specifically, we particularly welcome paper and panel proposals on
Herbert’s relations to the many poets who have claimed or may show his
influence: Donne, Crashaw, Herrick, Bradstreet, Harvey, Vaughan, Taylor,
the Wesleys, Wheatley, Blake, Coleridge, Emerson, Whitman, Dickinson,
Hopkins, Cullen, Eliot, Weil, Bishop, Auden, Larkin, Dylan Thomas, R. S.
Thomas, Brooks, Heaney, and Glück, to name many but not all. We especially
encourage papers and panels discussing fresh approaches to the teaching of
Herbert and others in the contemporary classroom.
We invite e-mail submissions. For 15-20-minute papers, send a 250-word
titled abstract; for a complete 3-paper panel, send an overall title and
individual 250-word titled abstracts for each paper. Please indicate UNCG
2008 and include a 1-page CV giving an e-mail and a regular mail address at
which you can be reached during the spring and summer of 2008; and indicate
any expected audio-visual needs (including special software needs).
Send submissions for UNCG 2008 to: Helen Wilcox (
and Christopher Hodgkins and Robert Calhoon (HERBCONF_at_UNCG.EDU)
Due date for submissions: February 22, 2008
For more information, visit
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Received on Wed Oct 31 2007 - 18:42:51 EST