
displaying 136 - 150 of 671

CFP: [Theory] CFP

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 3:48pm
Making.Books_at_sas.upenn.edu, Shaping Readers

Call for Papers
The Second Annual Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference
April 2nd â€" 4th 2008
University College Cork

Conference Theme: Shaping Readers: Selection and Editing

Plenary Speaker: Professor Alistair McCleery, Co-Director of SAPPHIRE,
Professor of Literature and Culture at Napier University, and co-editor
of The Book History Reader

CFP: [Medieval] CFP

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 3:48pm
Making.Books_at_sas.upenn.edu, Shaping Readers

Call for Papers
The Second Annual Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference
April 2nd â€" 4th 2008
University College Cork

Conference Theme: Shaping Readers: Selection and Editing

Plenary Speaker: Professor Alistair McCleery, Co-Director of SAPPHIRE,
Professor of Literature and Culture at Napier University, and co-editor
of The Book History Reader

CFP: [General] Fashioning Postmodern/Postcolonial Bodies

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 8:04am
Monica Germana

Fashioning Postmodern/Postcolonial Bodies

Westminster University,

5-6 September 2008

Call for Papers

We are seeking papers exploring the intersections of fashion and
literature in postmodern/postcolonial cultures. Possible topics include
(but are not limited to):

•Size 0
•Global Fashions
•Dress Policies

Please send 500 words abstracts and any queries to:

Dr Monica Germanà, M.Germana_at_derby.ac.uk


CFP: [Collections] LITERATURE

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 6:00am
Dr.Ganesan Balakrishnan

A bi-annual online literary journal, The Indian Review of World
Literature in English welcomes submission of articles on various aspects
of World literature in English. Scholarly and or introductory articles on
individual authors or works are welcome for publication, subject to the
approval of our editorial team. Published in January and July every year,
the articles that appear in this journal will be published in book form
either as collections or monographs.

Potential contributors are requested to confine themselves to the
following areas:

1 British literature since 1945

2 American literature since 1945

UPDATE: [Collections] E-Journal: NOVEL SCHOLARSHIP

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 2:11am
Damian Ward Hey

NOVEL SCHOLARSHIP (novelscholarship.org), a refereed academic electronic
journal, seeks scholarly essays and reviews for its first issue.

NOVEL SCHOLARSHIP is devoted to publishing scholarly essays and reviews
that present or reflect innovative theoretical approaches to the novel as
a literary genre. All submitted pieces undergo a double-blind process of
peer-review by two members of the editorial board. Publication of any
particular submission is dependent upon the approval of the piece by two

Contributors should follow MLA style guidelines as described in the most
recent edition of the MLA Handbook. All inquiries and submissions should
be sent, via e-mail, to:

CFP: [Graduate] Anatomy of Passions

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 1:42am
Bassel Atallah

Concordia University - Department of English - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sixth Annual Graduate Colloquium
March 28 & 29, 2008
Theme: Anatomy of Passions
