displaying 1 - 15 of 6677

CFP: [General] Submissions/Contributions needed

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 9:23pm
Mustafa Bal

epiphany (ISSN 1840-3719) is a refereed academic online journal and a
publication of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of International
University of Sarajevo. The journal started its publication in 2008, and
it publishes original articles on arts and social sciences. Only the
author(s) is (are) responsible for the opinions and views stated in the
articles. Un-published articles are not returned to the authors. Please
visit epiphany webpage at http://www.ius.edu.ba/epiphany for the
submission guidelines.

UPDATE: [General] Women in Indian Fiction by Women

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 7:17pm
Asha Choubey

 The Editor of a collection on
“ Women in Indian Fiction by Women”
Seeks quality, scholarly research papers.
Abstracts due by: 1 January 2009. Deadline Extended: 7 January 2009.
Full papers due: 25 March 2009.
The collection has been commissioned by a renowned Delhi Publisher.
Address all your submissions & queries to: reader1234_at_rediffmail.com/

Dr. Asha Choubey
Reader in English
Head, Department of Humanities
MJP Rohilkhand University
Bareilly. U.P.

UPDATE: [Postcolonial] Women in Indian Fiction by Women

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 7:17pm
Asha Choubey

 The Editor of a collection on
“ Women in Indian Fiction by Women”
Seeks quality, scholarly research papers.
Abstracts due by: 1 January 2009. Deadline Extended: 7 January 2009.
Full papers due: 25 March 2009.
The collection has been commissioned by a renowned Delhi Publisher.
Address all your submissions & queries to: reader1234_at_rediffmail.com/

Dr. Asha Choubey
Reader in English
Head, Department of Humanities
MJP Rohilkhand University
Bareilly. U.P.

UPDATE: [Collections] Women in Indian Fiction by Women

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 7:17pm
Asha Choubey

 The Editor of a collection on
“ Women in Indian Fiction by Women”
Seeks quality, scholarly research papers.
Abstracts due by: 1 January 2009. Deadline Extended: 7 January 2009.
Full papers due: 25 March 2009.
The collection has been commissioned by a renowned Delhi Publisher.
Address all your submissions & queries to: reader1234_at_rediffmail.com/

Dr. Asha Choubey
Reader in English
Head, Department of Humanities
MJP Rohilkhand University
Bareilly. U.P.

UPDATE: [Gender Studies] Women in Indian Fiction by Women

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 7:17pm
Asha Choubey

 The Editor of a collection on
“ Women in Indian Fiction by Women”
Seeks quality, scholarly research papers.
Abstracts due by: 1 January 2009. Deadline Extended: 7 January 2009.
Full papers due: 25 March 2009.
The collection has been commissioned by a renowned Delhi Publisher.
Address all your submissions & queries to: reader1234_at_rediffmail.com/

Dr. Asha Choubey
Reader in English
Head, Department of Humanities
MJP Rohilkhand University
Bareilly. U.P.

CFP: [Cultural-Historical] Canadian Comparative Literature Association Conference

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 2:15am
Dr. Karin Beeler

CFP: CCLA Meeting Congress 2009
Canadian Comparative Literature Association
Association canadienne de littérature comparée

Ottawa, Ontario
May 23 - 25 2009
Comparative Spaces: Changing Territories

(Le français suit.)

2009 marks the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Comparative Literature
Association. Join us at Carleton University to celebrate the discipline of
Comparative Literature in Canada. We invite papers, or proposals for
papers, as well as panels on the following subjects:

CFP: [General] The Role of the Writer in the Process of Creating and Defining Art

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 6:31pm
College English Association-Caribbean Chapter

Deadline Extension for the CEA-CC’s 2009 Conference

Call for Papers for a Panel for the Conference on Art and the Artist in

The Caribbean Chapter of the College English Association (CEA-CC) is
extending the deadline for submitting proposals for the next conference,
Art and the Artist in Society (University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo; March
13-14), until January 18th. We are especially interested in
presentations for a session on the writer’s role in the process of
creating and defining art.

CFP: [Theory] The Role of the Writer in the Process of Creating and Defining Art

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 6:30pm
College English Association-Caribbean Chapter

Deadline Extension for the CEA-CC’s 2009 Conference

Call for Papers for a Panel for the Conference on Art and the Artist in

The Caribbean Chapter of the College English Association (CEA-CC) is
extending the deadline for submitting proposals for the next conference,
Art and the Artist in Society (University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo; March
13-14), until January 18th. We are especially interested in
presentations for a session on the writer’s role in the process of
creating and defining art.

UPDATE: [American] ALA panel: Doctors and Divines in the New England Literary Tradition 1/25/09

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 5:19pm
Kelly Bezio

American Literature Association
20th Annual Conference

          Dates: May 21-24, 2009
The Westin Copley Place
10 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02116-5798

"The Physician and the Pastor: Doctors and Divines in the New England
Literary Tradition"

 Please email 300-word abstracts to Kelly Bezio (bezio_at_email.unc.edu) or
Ashley Reed (reeda_at_email.unc.edu) no later than January 25, 2009.

UPDATE: [Cultural-Historical] Urban Childhoods - NYC Conference CFP

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 1:00pm
Jennifer Griffiths

Fifth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference: "Urban Childhoods"
 New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
March 6, 2009
New York Institute of Technology Conference Facility
16 West 61st Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue)
11th Floor
New York, NY 10023
The New York Institute of Technology announces its fifth
interdisciplinary conference, “Urban Childhoods.” Scholars from a range
of disciplines are invited to interpret the theme broadly for this one-
day conference at NYIT's Columbus Circle campus.

CFP: [Collections] Shakespeare scholars; criticism/guides for HS/college students (mss. due late 09; book)

Monday, December 29, 2008 - 8:03pm
Doug Sanders

Facts on File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
libraries, is seeking specialists to produce a variety of Shakespeare-
related book-length manuscripts following established series guidelines.
Prospective authors should be familiar with the less commonly studied
plays (in particular the romances and histories) and/or the history and
development of Shakespeare criticism from the seventeenth century to the
present day. The author must have a PhD, extensive knowledge of
Shakespeare’s life and works, and an ability to write clearly and
succinctly for students in both high school and college. Manuscripts would
be due in late 2009. If qualified and interested, please send a cover

CFP: [Professional] SCCC Creative Writing Festival

Monday, December 29, 2008 - 5:43pm
SCCC Creative Writing Festival Committee

The English Department at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island
will be holding its Second Annual Creative Writing Festival April 25th,
2009. The Festival brings together students, poets, novelists, short
story writers, dramatists, creative non-fiction writers, and creative
writing professors for an engaging day of workshops, panel discussions,
readings, and events. Some of last year's participants included Brock
Clarke, Judy Baumel, Josh Gidding, Victor LaValle, Lawrence Epstein, and
Julie Sheehan. This year, the Creative Writing Festival Committee seeks
proposals from interested writers, faculty, and graduate students of the
following nature:

CFP: [Poetry] SCCC Creative Writing Festival

Monday, December 29, 2008 - 5:36pm
SCCC Creative Writing Festival Committee

The English Department at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island
will be holding its Second Annual Creative Writing Festival April 25th,
2009. The Festival brings together students, poets, novelists, short
story writers, dramatists, creative non-fiction writers, and creative
writing professors for an engaging day of workshops, panel discussions,
readings, and events. Some of last year's participants included Brock
Clarke, Judy Baumel, Josh Gidding, Victor LaValle, Lawrence Epstein, and
Julie Sheehan. This year, the Creative Writing Festival Committee seeks
proposals from interested writers, faculty, and graduate students of the
following nature:
