CFP: [American] Norman Mailer Conference
OCTOBER 16-19, 2008
The Program Committee seeks proposals for panel presentations during the
Sixth Annual Conference of The Norman Mailer Society, to be held in
Provincetown, MA.
The theme of the 2008 conference is “Norman Mailer: Memory and the
Afterlife.†There will be a day devoted to panels on “Remembering Norman
Mailer.†The remainder of the conference will focus on presentations and
discussion groups. There will be a least one panel devoted to each of
these works: On God: An Uncommon Conversation, The Castle in the Forest,
The Naked and the Dead (60th anniversary) and The Armies of the Night
(40th anniversary). Papers on other topics related to Norman Mailer and
his work are also welcome, particularly short presentations related to
one or more panels on “Teaching Norman Mailer.†These interactive panels
will emphasize discussion among panelists and audience members. Inquiries
are encouraged.
If you are interested in submitting a presentation panel (three speakers)
or roundtable panel (four speakers), please contact the Program Committee
Guidelines for submission: Send a 50-75 word biographical statement and a
250-word abstract of the proposed presentation as MS Word attachments by
April 15 to the Program Committee Chair:
Phillip Sipiora
The biographical statement and the abstract should be suitable for the
printed program. Accepted papers for Panel Presentation, when delivered,
must be no longer than 18-20 minutes. Accepted papers for Roundtable
Presentation, when delivered, must be no longer than 10-12 minutes. All
papers, similar to abstracts, should be developed clearly and
efficiently. The titles of all papers and will be printed in the
Conference Program.
Travel Grants of $100, sponsored by The Norman Mailer Society, are
available to student presenters.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
more information at
Received on Fri Feb 29 2008 - 13:57:36 EST