
displaying 31 - 45 of 621

CFP: [American] PAMLA: American Literature post-1865

Thursday, February 28, 2008 - 3:05am
Emily Merriman

Inviting papers (15-20 minutes) for “American Literature post-1865”

Panel of the 106th
Annual Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association Conference,
College in Claremont, California, November 7-8th 2008.

PAMLA: http://www.pamla.org/2008/

Please send paper title, 50-word abstract, & 500-word proposal by
March 15.
estm_at_sfsu.edu and kdrake_at_scrippscollege.edu

Emily Merriman
San Francisco State University

Kimberly Drake
Scripps College

CFP: [Film] Science of the Kill: The Tangled Web of Crime and Punishment (5/1/08; 10/30-11/2/08)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 9:28pm
Cynthia Miller

Call for Papers
“Science of the Kill: The Tangled Web of Crime and Punishment” Area
2008 Film & History Conference
Film & Science: Fictions, Documentaries, and Beyond
October 30-November 2, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Second-Round Deadline: May 1, 2008

AREA: Science of the Kill: The Tangled Web of Crime and Punishment

CFP: [African-American] Intersections of African American Literacies and Popular Culture

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 8:47pm
Faith Bennett

M/MLA (Midwest Modern Language Association) African American Literature I Panel CFP:
Intersections of African American Literacies and Popular Culture
        Paper topics should explore connections between popular culture (film, music, TV) and African
American literacies. For example, Cornel West, one of the most prominent African American
theorists, has produced a rap CD. What are the implications of such crossover scholarships? Other
questions to consider include, but are not limited to, what are the connections between popular
culture and African American literacies? How are these connections defined? What are the common
attitudes and practices that inform African American productions in both popular culture and

CFP: [Renaissance] PAMLA Shakespeare and Related Topics

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 8:11pm
Liberty Stanavage

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Shakespeare and Related Topics
November 7-8, 2008
Pomona College
Claremont, California

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2008

Papers are invited for a panel on Shakespeare and Related Topics.
Proposals are encouraged on any subject of Shakespeare studies as well as
contemporaneous authors. In keeping with this year's special theme for the
conference, "Violence and representation", papers are particularly welcome
on topics that address representations of violence and vengeance in these

CFP: [20th] Chocolate: Exotic and Erotic Elixir (3/15/08; MLA '08)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 7:26pm
Judy A. Hayden

This panel explores contemporary women writers and the use of chocolate as
an exotic, erotic, or even magical substance in any area/genre, including
fiction, non-fiction, diaries/memoirs, poetry, drama and film. Send 250
word abstracts by 15 March, 2008 by email to Judy A. Hayden, University of
Tampa, at jhayden_at_ut.edu.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Wed Feb 27 2008 - 14:26:32 EST

CFP: [Theatre] CFP

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 6:19pm
Kara Reilly


CFP: Performing Science:
Drama, History, Literature

Friday, 4 July 2008
Department of Drama and Theatre Artsâ€"University of Birmingham
Supported in part by University of Birmingham Dean’s Strategic Initiative

Increasing intersections between natural philosophy, the history of
science, and spectacle demonstrate that theatre history is intellectual
Individual worldviews are shaped by natural philosophy and science, and
it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which a person’s
worldview shapes their creative output.

CFP: [Gender Studies] CFP

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 6:19pm
Kara Reilly


CFP: Performing Science:
Drama, History, Literature

Friday, 4 July 2008
Department of Drama and Theatre Artsâ€"University of Birmingham
Supported in part by University of Birmingham Dean’s Strategic Initiative

Increasing intersections between natural philosophy, the history of
science, and spectacle demonstrate that theatre history is intellectual
Individual worldviews are shaped by natural philosophy and science, and
it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which a person’s
worldview shapes their creative output.

CFP: [International] CFP

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 6:18pm
Kara Reilly


CFP: Performing Science:
Drama, History, Literature

Friday, 4 July 2008
Department of Drama and Theatre Artsâ€"University of Birmingham
Supported in part by University of Birmingham Dean’s Strategic Initiative

Increasing intersections between natural philosophy, the history of
science, and spectacle demonstrate that theatre history is intellectual
Individual worldviews are shaped by natural philosophy and science, and
it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which a person’s
worldview shapes their creative output.

CFP: [Science] CFP

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 6:18pm
Kara Reilly


CFP: Performing Science:
Drama, History, Literature

Friday, 4 July 2008
Department of Drama and Theatre Artsâ€"University of Birmingham
Supported in part by University of Birmingham Dean’s Strategic Initiative

Increasing intersections between natural philosophy, the history of
science, and spectacle demonstrate that theatre history is intellectual
Individual worldviews are shaped by natural philosophy and science, and
it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which a person’s
worldview shapes their creative output.

CFP: [Cultural-Historical] CFP

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 6:18pm
Kara Reilly


CFP: Performing Science:
Drama, History, Literature

Friday, 4 July 2008
Department of Drama and Theatre Artsâ€"University of Birmingham
Supported in part by University of Birmingham Dean’s Strategic Initiative

Increasing intersections between natural philosophy, the history of
science, and spectacle demonstrate that theatre history is intellectual
Individual worldviews are shaped by natural philosophy and science, and
it is impossible to underestimate the degree to which a person’s
worldview shapes their creative output.

CFP: [Renaissance] Marlowe Special Issue of Shakespeare Bulletin

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 5:11pm
Pierre Hecker

Shakespeare Bulletin, a peer-reviewed journal for the study of Shakespeare
in performance published by the Johns Hopkins University Press, will be
devoting a special issue to Christopher Marlowe. Performance-related
articles on Marlowe (in keeping with the Shakespeare Bulletin's focus on
performance criticism and scholarship) may be submitted electronically to
Pierre Hecker (phecker_at_carleton.edu) by September 15, 2008.

UPDATE: [Cultural-Historical] CFP John Brown Conference

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 3:18pm
Peggy A. Russo

John Brown Remembered: 150th Anniversary of the Raid on Harpers Ferry.
Multi-disciplinary, academic symposium.
Content areas: John Brown's plan, John Brown and Frederick Douglass,
Events leading up to the raid, Individual raiders, Survivors of the raid,
the Secret Six, the trial, Press coverage of the raid, Lincoln's
response, Responses in the North and/or the South, Governor Wise,
Political responses to the raid.
Submissions: 300 word proposals by 15 January 2009.
Conference dates: 13-17 October 2009
Location: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, Harpers Ferry, WV.
Plenary Speakers Include: Dr. David Blight, Dr. Spencer Crew, Dr. Paul
