
displaying 61 - 75 of 621

CFP: [Graduate] cultural memory docotral symposium

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 3:17pm
Roberta Mock



JUNE 25-27, 2008, at Hazelwood House, South Devon, U.K.

A Project of the CENTRE FOR CRITICAL CULTURAL RESEARCH in the Faculty of
Arts at the University of Plymouth, U.K.


Considering culture as creative practice and a way of life, both of which
are historically specific, how is experience remembered, represented and
shared? How and why do memories and representations shape present
attitudes, intentions, politics, power structures, cultural work and
imagined futures? Among aspects of the theme which may be covered are:

Memories of place framing social formation;

Shared memories as means of empowering social groups;

CFP: [General] disClosure: a journal of social theory ⢠Issue 18: WAR

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 2:46pm
Pearl James

disClosure: a journal of social theory • Issue 18: WAR


The editorial collective of disClosure seeks submissions that explore WAR
as it is understood in a variety of areas and disciplines. Possible topics
might include:


Geographies of War
Historiographies of War
War and the Economy
The Media and War
Identities and War
Memories of War
Gender and War

CFP: [18th] SCMLA German II: Literature and Culture from 1700-1890

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 2:30pm
Norma Jane Chapple

Session German II: Linguistics, Literature and Culture from 1700 to 1890: Open Topic

We invite abstracts to the German II session for the 65th convention of the SCMLA in San
Antonio, TX, November 6 â€" 8, 2008 at the Sheraton Gunter.

UPDATE: [Travel] Women Travellers to India, 3/3; 30/4/08, UK

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 1:50pm
Betty Hagglund

The deadline for proposals for the one day seminar on Women Travellers in
India has been extended to Monday 3rd March.

As part of the Maria Graham research project, the Centre for Travel
Writing Studies at Nottingham Trent University will be hosting three one-
day seminars in 2008. These will focus on women travellers to each of the
three principal regions that Maria Graham visited and wrote about: Italy,
India and Latin America.

The CTWS accordingly invites proposals for 20 minute papers that consider
any aspect of women’s travel, or women’s travel writing, relating to each
of these regions. The papers can approach the topic from any disciplinary
angle, and can focus on any historical period.

CFP: [Ethnic] UPDATE: Latino Masculinities, Family/Politics and Pop Culture (LASA June 2009, Brazil)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 2:56am
Dr. Rosa E. Soto

Due: March 15, 2008

Send to:
48 Waverly Terrace #1
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

We have two papers and are seeking 2-3 more for a panel on
representations of Latino and Latin American masculinities in literature
and popular media. The first paper EXAMINES HOW TV AND FILM images of
overbearing Latina mothers FRAME Latino men AS BOTH MACHOS AND "MAMA'S
BOYS." The second paper examines the tenuous relationship of hegemonic
masculinity to gender, national identity, and family in Cristina Garcia’s
novel, Monkey Hunting.

CFP: [International] UPDATE: Latino Masculinities, Family/Politics and Pop Culture (LASA June 2009, Brazil)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 2:55am
Dr. Rosa E. Soto

Due: March 15, 2008

Send to:
48 Waverly Terrace #1
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

We have two papers and are seeking 2-3 more for a panel on
representations of Latino and Latin American masculinities in literature
and popular media. The first paper EXAMINES HOW TV AND FILM images of
overbearing Latina mothers FRAME Latino men AS BOTH MACHOS AND "MAMA'S
BOYS." The second paper examines the tenuous relationship of hegemonic
masculinity to gender, national identity, and family in Cristina Garcia’s
novel, Monkey Hunting.

CFP: [Cultural-Historical] Final call: Missing Persons

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 2:21am
Rachel Morley


The Writing and Society Research Group at the University of Western
Sydney, Australia presents:

"Missing Persons" - An inter-disciplinary conference to be held on the
Bankstown campus of the University of Western Sydney on Thursday 10 and
Friday 11 July 2008

Call for papers:

Missing Persons seeks to examine and explore issues arising from loss and
displacement, memory and forgetting, disappearance, erasures and caesuras,
death and dying in artistic and creative production.

UPDATE: [Poetry] Update - CFP: Poetry and the Trace Conference

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 12:48am
Olga Lipkin

Poetry and the Trace: An International Conference
Monash University, Australia July 12-14 2008
Venue: State Library of Victoria

Confirmed Keynote speakers: Susan Stewart, Joan Retallack, Rachel Blau
DuPlessis, Lionel Fogarty.

Convenors: Ann Vickery, Rose Lucas, John Hawke

Poetic language speaks of the elusivity, the impossible seductions of the
trace â€" trace of memory, desire, the dreams of an impossible language
which encompasses, of a presence which underpins…

UPDATE: [Graduate] Southern Writers, Southern Writing Graduate Conference

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 12:00am
Jill E. Anderson

The 14th Annual Southern Writers, Southern Writing is a University of
Mississippi Graduate Student Conference held in conjunction with the
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference.
The Graduate Students in the Departments of English and Southern Studies
invite you to submit abstracts exploring Southern culture. Accepted
submissions will be presented in Oxford, Mississippi, July 17th-19th,
 The keynote speaker will be John T. Edge, director of the Southern
Foodways Alliance and author of numerous books on Southern cuisine,
including Fried Chicken: An American Story.

Topics for papers or panels are not restricted to literature. They may

UPDATE: [Travel] Southern Writers, Southern Writing Graduate Conference

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 - 12:00am
Jill E. Anderson

The 14th Annual Southern Writers, Southern Writing is a University of
Mississippi Graduate Student Conference held in conjunction with the
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference.
The Graduate Students in the Departments of English and Southern Studies
invite you to submit abstracts exploring Southern culture. Accepted
submissions will be presented in Oxford, Mississippi, July 17th-19th,
 The keynote speaker will be John T. Edge, director of the Southern
Foodways Alliance and author of numerous books on Southern cuisine,
including Fried Chicken: An American Story.

Topics for papers or panels are not restricted to literature. They may
