
displaying 91 - 105 of 621

CFP: [International] Memory, Mourning, Landscape

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 9:28pm
Elizabeth Anderson

University of Glasgow, 9 June 2008.

Plenary speakers: Jay Winter (Yale University)Bridget Fowler (University of
Glasgow), Avril Maddrell (University of the West of England).

Increasingly scholarly attention is paid to the role of place and space in
memorialising - whether in commemorations of individuals or in marking mass
deaths. At the same time, experts in a variety of fields are finding new
significance in the different ways of “saying goodbye” (or not saying
goodbye). The aim of this symposium is to investigate memory, mourning and
landscape, and the links between them. The symposium will therefore be of
interest to scholars across the disciplines of the humanities and social

CFP: [Renaissance] Wooden O Symposium (4/1/2008; 8/4-6, 20008)

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 8:54pm
Jessica Tvordi

The Wooden O Symposium is a cross disciplinary conference exploring
Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern Studies through the text and
performance of Shakespeare’s plays. Scholars from all disciplines are
encouraged to submit papers that offer insights and new ideas springing
from the era and works of William Shakespeare.

UPDATE: [Collections] The Upstart Crow: Shakespeare and Tourism (3/15/08; journal issue)

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 6:42pm
Elizabeth Rivlin



REVISED DEADLINE: March 15, 2008

The Upstart Crow is currently accepting submissions for a theme-based issue
on “Shakespeare and Tourism.” We are interested in receiving manuscripts
that consider tourism and travel as themes in Shakespeare’s work;
Shakespeare as an icon of modern cultural tourism; or historical
perspectives on Shakespeare and tourism.

Submissions that address any aspect of Shakespeare’s work, and performance
reviews of Shakespeare theater productions and festivals, will also be

Deadline for priority reading of submissions: March 15, 2008.

UPDATE: [Renaissance] Northern Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature –– Deadline extended (3/7/08)

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 5:58pm
Adam H. Kitzes

The deadline for submissions, for the upcoming Northern Plains Conference
on Early British Literature, is being extended until March 7. Please
continue to send abstracts, along with any questions, to Adam Kitzes at

We welcome papers on any topic; newer voices in the profession are
particularly encouraged to submit.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Mon Feb 25 2008 - 12:58:50 EST

UPDATE: [Medieval] Northern Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature –– open topic (2/20/08)

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 5:57pm
Adam H. Kitzes

The deadline for submissions, for the upcoming Northern Plains Conference
on Early British Literature, is being extended until March 7. Please
continue to send abstracts, along with any questions, to Adam Kitzes at

We welcome papers on any topic; newer voices in the profession are
particularly encouraged to submit.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Mon Feb 25 2008 - 12:57:26 EST

CFP: [Cultural-Historical] MLA Special Session: Mourning and Activism

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 5:50pm
Sarah Henstra

Mourning and Activism: Memorial Narratives

Proposed Special Session for MLA Convention, San Francisco, Dec 27-30,
2008. deadline 15 March 2008.

250-word (min)abstracts for 20-min papers examining intersections of
commemoration, storytelling, and activism. Consideration of
genre/rhetorical approaches or analysis of specific public-memory
project, monument, campaign, digital archive, fiction, memoir, or

CFP: [20th] MLA Special Session: Mourning and Activism

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 5:50pm
Sarah Henstra

Mourning and Activism: Memorial Narratives

Proposed Special Session for MLA Convention, San Francisco, Dec 27-30,
2008. deadline 15 March 2008.

250-word (min)abstracts for 20-min papers examining intersections of
commemoration, storytelling, and activism. Consideration of
genre/rhetorical approaches or analysis of specific public-memory
project, monument, campaign, digital archive, fiction, memoir, or

CFP: [20th] MLA Special Session: Mourning and Activism

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 5:50pm
Sarah Henstra

Mourning and Activism: Memorial Narratives

Proposed Special Session for MLA Convention, San Francisco, Dec 27-30,
2008. deadline 15 March 2008.

250-word (min)abstracts for 20-min papers examining intersections of
commemoration, storytelling, and activism. Consideration of
genre/rhetorical approaches or analysis of specific public-memory
project, monument, campaign, digital archive, fiction, memoir, or

CFP: [20th] The Ethics of Rescue and Rescuers

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 4:53pm
Richard Middleton-Kaplan

presentations that respond to either (or both) of these themes specfically
in terms of Patrick Henry's book WE KNOW ONLY MEN: THE RESCUE OF JEWS IN
FRANCE DURING THE HOLOCAUST (Catholic University of America Press, 2007).
What is or is likely to be the importance or impact of this scholarly a nd
critical work upon Holocaust Studies, upon comparative genocide studies,
or upon other fields? We will consider 250 to 500-word proposals until 15
Mar.; contact Sandor Goodhart (goodhart_at_purdue.edu) and Richard Middleton-
Kaplan (rkaplan_at_harpercollege.edu).

CFP: [Film] Latino Masculinities, Family/Politics and Culture LASA 2009 (June 11-14, 2009)

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 3:33pm
Dr. Rosa E. Soto

We have two papers and are seeking 2-3 more for a panel on
representations of Latino and Latin American masculinities in literature
and popular media. The first paper EXAMINES HOW TV AND FILM images of
overbearing Latina mothers FRAME Latino men AS BOTH MACHOS AND "MAMA'S
BOYS." The second paper examines the tenuous relationship of hegemonic
masculinity to gender, national identity, and family in Cristina Garcia’s
novel, Monkey Hunting.
