
displaying 106 - 120 of 621

CFP: [Collections] Quiddity Literary Journal fall/winter 2008 issue

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 2:22pm
Joanna Beth Tweedy & Ted Morrissey

Quiddity Literary Journal, along with its companion public radio program,
are pleased to announce a call for submissions for its fall/winter print
issue. This issue will have a special topic: "Essence of Lincoln" -- all
fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and artwork will be connected in
some way to Abraham Lincoln, whose bicentennial birth year is being
commemorated. Quiddity is seeking short fiction, poetry, and creative
nonfiction from emerging and established writers. International
submissions are encouraged.

CFP: [20th] Bakhtin Conference/Timothy Findley

Monday, February 25, 2008 - 4:57am
Brian Kennedy

Panel Proposal: Bakhtin, Carnival Violence, and War
Brian Kennedy, PhD

This special session to be held at the 13th International Bakhtin
Conference will take advantage of the conference’s setting in Canada to
triangulate the ideas of carnival violence, warfare, and group identity
through investigation of Bakhtin’s theories and interpretation of Canadian
novelist Timothy Findley’s The Wars.

CFP: [American] Adapting America/America Adapted

Sunday, February 24, 2008 - 1:13pm
Tanfer Tunc

American Studies Association of Turkey
33rd Annual American Studies Conference

Adapting America/America Adapted

October 8 â€" 10, 2008
Bogazici University
Istanbul, Turkey

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Classical Rhetoric in Modern Contexts, RMMLA - October 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 11:24pm
William McCarthy

This call is for a panel at the 2008 Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
to be held this year in Reno, Nevada on October 9-11. Deadline for proposals is June 1, 2008. For
more information, please e-mail William McCarthy at mccarthy_at_cua.edu.
While almost any treatment of the panel's theme ("Classical Rhetoric in Modern Context") is open to
consideration, particularly welcome are discussions/analyses of the manner in which classical
rhetorical devices manifest themselves in a variety of modern contexts, to include primarily -- but
not exclusively -- literature and film.
Please submit a brief proposal of 100-200 words (for a paper ca. 15 minutes in length) to panel

CFP: [General] Churches In Legend & Tradition

Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 4:48pm
Jeremy Harte

Churches In Legend & Tradition

This two-day conference at the Bishop’s Palace, Wells, Somerset, will be
held on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st September 2008 as the third
Legendary Weekend of the Folklore Society. We'd like to hear from anyone
who can attend and present a paper â€" folklorists, clergy, singers, craft
workers, anthropologists, performers, pilgrims, and historians.

CFP: [International] Literature and History

Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 4:17am
Paul Sheehan


‘Literature and History’
The Second Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for

24-25 July, 2008
Macquarie University
Sydney, Australia

Confirmed keynote speakers:
Professor Terry Castle (Stanford University)
Professor Charles Altieri (University of California, Berkeley)
