CFP: [General] English: The Journal of the English Association

full name / name of organization: 
Sarah Leach

English is an international, peer-reviewed journal of literary criticism
published on behalf of the English Association by Oxford Journals. Each
issue contains essays on major works of English literature or on topics of
general literary interest as well as a substantial review section, in which
reviewers have space to situate a book within the context of recent
developments in its field, and present a detailed argument, rather than
just a brief evaluative commentary.

English is unusual among academic journals in publishing original poetry.
This policy embodies the view that the critical and creative functions,
often so widely separated in the teaching of English, can co-exist and
cross-fertilise each other.

To submit some of your work to English, visit

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Received on Tue Apr 01 2008 - 04:41:09 EST