Configurations Special Issue: Ecocriticism and Biology (5/1/2009)
Configurations has invited a special issue on the intersection of ecocriticism and biology. Articles on any aspect of the biological sciences and ecocriticism are welcome, but the following topics are needed:
- extensions/amplifications of Glen A. Love's Practical Ecocriticism
- ecocriticism, globalization, and the commodification of biological information
- biologists reading/responding to ecocritical texts (broadly defined)
- ecocriticism and debates within biology
Please submit an abstract of 500 words and curriculum vitae (as MS Word attachments) by May 1st to:
Dr. Helena Feder, Guest Editor
Configurations is the journal of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA), which fosters the multidisciplinary study of the relations among literature and language, the arts, science, medicine, and technology. The journal solicits articles on all aspects of the problems of science and representation, and the cultural and social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine. It is multidisciplinary in scope: the history, sociology, anthropology, rhetoric, and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine; literary history and criticism; art history and media studies; the cognitive sciences; and all areas of science, technology, engineering, and medicine. To be considered, works should be readable by a broad audience, including informed researchers, practitioners, artists, scholars, and students outside the particular discipline. Configurations is published by The Johns Hopkins University Press (
Electronic submission of manuscripts is preferred and should be sent as an MS Word e-mail attachment. Finished manuscripts should be between 5000 and 7000 words, double-spaced throughout and be preceded by an abstract of approximately 100 words. All manuscripts are edited according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed. (University of Chicago Press).