
displaying 1 - 15 of 17

c pracsis International Confernce June 27&28,2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 10:31pm
Centre for Performance Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia.

Call for Papers
International Conference on Humanities in the 21st Century
"Rethinking Humanities in the age of the Visual"
June 27 & 28, 2009
C PRACSIS, Thrissur, Kerala, India 680001

"In Times Of Crisis" October 2, 2009, Annual Conference

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 8:20pm
Ed Demerly, Michigan College English Association

Call for Papers: MCEA Conference on Friday, October 2, 2009

Theme: In Times of Crisis

Speakers: Sari Adelson & Mary Heinen, Coordinators, Prison Creative Arts Project, a program that collaborates with incarcerated youth and adults, urban youth, and the formerly incarcerated to do creative expression, especially in theater, poetry, and art

Location & Co-Sponsor: Eastern Michigan University
Student Center at 900 Oakwood St., Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Call for Chapters - Religion in Popular Media due 12/1/09

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 7:37pm
Edited Volume

Pete: "I've always wondered, what's the devil look like?"

Everett: "Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons, Pete, but the great Satan hisself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail, and he carries a hay fork."

Tommy Johnson: "Oh, no. No, sir. He's white, as white as you folks, with empty eyes and a big hollow voice. He loves to travel around with a mean old hound. That's right."

~O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Whose Africa?: Representations of Africa in Contemporary African and Diasporic Literature

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 7:25pm
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

The global imaginary is marked by a long history of claims made to Africa by a range of western writers and thinkers as disparate as Hegel and Conrad. These portrayals of the 'dark continent' still circulate in our current global imaginary, reinforcing prevailing stereotypes and engendering new ones. This panel intends to investigate contemporary literary representations of Africa vis-a-vis a consideration of the ways that both African and diasporic literatures imagine Africa. Early twentieth century writers―like black modernists in the United States and the Caribbean as well as African writers affiliated with decolonization―found it necessary to engage with these western claims.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 7:03pm
SCMLA (South Central Modern Language Association)

REVISED - The Modern Drama session of the 2009 SCMLA conference in Baton Rouge is now classified as "Open Topic." Scholarly works regarding any aspect of Modern Drama are welcome. This includes works concerning drama written in languages other than English, though the presentation should be made in English. Graduate students are encouraged to submit. All submissions should include an abstract of 300 words and a brief biographical sketch. Please send to cassandra.neace@gmail.com before JUNE 20, 2009.

"Science and Religion: An Evolving Dialogue" - Lyceum 2009 - Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 4:44pm
Unity Institute

This call for papers is seeking submissions for Unity Institute's Lyceum 2009 - "Science and Religion: An Evolving Dialogue", September 30-October 3, 2009.

Theologians, ethicists, philosophers, and other students of religion are encouraged to submit papers. We are also interested in receiving papers for Lyceum 2009 by scientists and social scientists. Considerable thematic leeway will be allowed for high-quality, innovative work related to the main theme. Deadline for submissions of abstracts is June 30, 2009. Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 15, 2009.

Quality academic presentations by graduate students will also be considered.

Double Agencies: Parsing Dissent between LGBITQ Studies and Queer Theory--NeMLA, April 7-11, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 3:27pm
Raji Singh Soni, Panel Chair, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), 41st Annual Convention

Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
41st Annual Convention
Gay/Lesbian Area Panel
April 7-11, 2010
Montreal, Quebec - Hilton Bonaventure

Reflecting a disciplinary turn in the 1990s from studies in feminism to theories of gender, the grand performative shift from identity-based gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, and transgender studies to poststructuralist queer theory has in recent years been subject to scrutiny and reevaluation.

National Central University Journal of Humanities

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 3:23pm
National Central University Journal of Humanities

National Central University Journal of Humanities

Call for Papers

1. The National Central University Journal of Humanities is a purely
academic journal sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts of National
Central University. As of July 2007 it will become a quarterly journal, with
issues appearing in January, April, July, and October.

2. The main goal of the journal is to promote "interdepartmental,
interdisciplinary, and intercultural" humanities research, and we welcome
contributions from domestic and foreign scholars on related topics in
literature, history, philosophy, art, society, or culture.

Forum CfP: Issue 9 - Voice/s (deadline 7th August 2009)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 1:00pm
Forum: The University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts

Forum: The University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts

Call for papers: Issue 9 - Voice/s

Human Rights and Cinema

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 12:29pm
Virginia Bonner/SAMLA 2009 Conference in Atlanta

Human Rights and Cinema
In keeping with the theme of the 2009 SAMLA Atlanta convention, this panel seeks papers that address the link between human rights and the humanities via national cinema(s). Possible topics may include but are not limited to: Ethics, Theories of Spectatorship, Documentary, Memory and Trauma, Individual vs. Collective Consciousness, Living in Exile, and Politics and Humanities. By June 14, 2009, please send proposals of approximately 500 words with presenter's name, academic affiliation and contact information (including e-mail and mailing addresses) to Virginia Bonner, Clayton State University, at

[UPDATE] Extended deadline - JUNE 1 Steampunk! Revisions of Time and Technology. SAMLA 11/6-11/9 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 10:53am
Kathryn Crowther / SAMLA

This SAMLA special session panel welcomes papers on any aspect of the Steampunk genre. Papers could address literature, film, art, or other cultural manifestations of Steampunk. Of particular interest are discussions of the ways that Steampunk engages with notions of time and historical discourse, the materiality of Steampunk, and the intersections of technology and literature. By June 1, please send a one-page abstract that includes audio/visual needs and a short vita (with complete contact information) to Kathryn Crowther, Georgia Institute of Technology at kathryn.crowther@lcc.gatech.edu

Fashioning the Neo-Victorian. Iterations of the 19th Century in Contemp. Lit. & Culture (abstract due 11/01/09, conf. 4/8-10/10)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 10:50am
English Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Call for Papers
Fashioning the Neo-Victorian. Iterations of the Nineteenth Century in Contemporary Literature and Culture
(International Conference, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, 8-10 April 2010)
keynote speakers: Prof Cora Kaplan (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Marie-Luise Kohlke (Swansea University), Prof Sally Shuttleworth (University of Oxford)

[UPDATE] CFP- Comic Book Convention Conference Series

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 - 10:39am
Wizard World University and The Institute for Comics Studies

Call for Participation

Institute for Comics Studies
Comic Book Convention Conference Series

June 21-29, 2009


August 6-9, 2009

The Institute for Comics Studies is soliciting proposals for presentations, book talks, slide talks, roundtables, professional focus discussion panels, workshops and other panels centered around comics or comics related areas of study for Wizard World University—Philadelphia and Wizard World University—Chicago, the academic tracks of Wizard World Comic Book Conventions.
