Ecocriticism and Canada, NeMLA, Montreal, April 7-11 2010

full name / name of organization: 
41st Anniversary Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), April 7-11, 2010 Montreal, Quebec - Hilton Bonaventure.

Ecocriticism and Canada

From the policies that encourage ecological restructuring of urban centres to abstract representations of nature, Canada continues to play an important role in the globalization of ecocritical issues, theories, and narratives. Many Canadian authors and artists shape the way we understand our relationship with "nature": From David Suzuki's theoretical and activist approach to the environment to Christian Bök's bioart and genetic poetry, Canadians continue to interrogate and collapse dominant binary modes of thinking about nature and culture, the humanities and the sciences, human and non-/post-human, and life and non-life. How do Canadian literary and cultural artifacts change the way we understand nature? How does current Canadian ecocritical discourse shape the global imagining of Canada? What can Canadian representations of nature offer discussions of queer nature and posthumanist performativity? What do representations of Canadian ecological ethics and sustainability tell us about the past, present, and future of environmental crises? The aim of this panel session is not only to underscore Canada's growing role on the global environmental stage, but to investigate how Canadian scholars, authors and artists shape ecocritical rhetoric and discourse. With ecocritical issues moving to the forefront of global political, academic, and public agendas, and as NeMLA crosses into Canada for its forty-first annual convention, it is only fitting to include a panel session on Ecocriticism and Canada.

Please send abstracts of 500 words or less, to MaryAnne Laurico at no later than 30 September 2009.

Please include with your abstract:
Name and Affiliation
Email address
Postal address
Telephone number
A/V requirements (if any; $10 handling fee)

The 41st Annual Convention will feature approximately 350 sessions, as well as dynamic speakers and cultural events. Details and the complete Call for Papers for the 2010 Convention will be posted in June:

Interested participants may submit abstracts to more than one NeMLA session; however panelists can only present one paper (panel or seminar). Convention participants may present a paper at a panel and also present at a creative session or participate in a roundtable.

Travel to Canada now requires a passport for U.S. citizens. Please get your passport application in early.