[UPDATE] Extended deadline - JUNE 1 Steampunk! Revisions of Time and Technology. SAMLA 11/6-11/9 2009
full name / name of organization:
Kathryn Crowther / SAMLA
contact email:
This SAMLA special session panel welcomes papers on any aspect of the Steampunk genre. Papers could address literature, film, art, or other cultural manifestations of Steampunk. Of particular interest are discussions of the ways that Steampunk engages with notions of time and historical discourse, the materiality of Steampunk, and the intersections of technology and literature. By June 1, please send a one-page abstract that includes audio/visual needs and a short vita (with complete contact information) to Kathryn Crowther, Georgia Institute of Technology at kathryn.crowther@lcc.gatech.edu