[UPDATE] Deadline Extended-TULSA (NEW YORK) SCHOOL CONFERENCE (7/1/09, U of Tulsa 11/5-11/7/09)
Conference Call for Papers
the Tulsa/New York School
at the University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 5-7, 2009
Keynote Address: RON PADGETT
Poetry Readings and Roundtable Discussions by:
Alice Notley, Robert Harris, Anselm Berrigan, and Edmund Berrigan
Papers are being solicited on what John Ashbery once nicknamed the "soi-disant Tulsa School," including Ted Berrigan, Ron Padgett, Joe Brainard, and Dick Gallup—who met in Tulsa in the early 1960s and later moved to New York City. They shaped and were shaped by the artistic and literary milieu of that time and place and became integral parts of The New York School.
Topics may include but are not limited to the following issues:
--New York School art and poetry in general
--The relation of the Tulsa School to the New York School
-- Interplay of visual art and poetry
-- Poetics and popular culture
-- Role of place (Tulsa, NYC, etc)
-- Personal and/as political
-- Anthologies and archives
-- Readings of individual poems, paintings, pieces, etc
-- Relevant historical contexts
-- Gender and the Tulsa School
-- Collaboration and Dissemination
-- Influence of L'école de Tulsa
300-word proposals via email to by July 1, 2009.
The conference will include keynote addresses, plenary sessions, concurrent panels, poetry readings, an exhibit from TU's Special Collections, a Tulsa School Bus Tour of town, and more.