Becomings, Misplacements, Departures: Butler & Whitehead
Call for Student Papers
Conference Date: December 3-5, 2009
Location: Claremont, California
Paper Submission Due: Monday, August 31, 2009 to
Conference Website:
The Whitehead Research Project (WRP) is hosting a major international event that will feature scholars who are specialists in the thought of Judith Butler and Alfred North Whitehead. In line with the "initial aim" of WRP, this conference seeks to generate novel interfaces, stimulate interdisciplinary innovation, and provoke unexpected impulses for philosophical discourse in our complex world.
In particular, we are asking students to focus on and around distinctive theories of becoming, of syntactical violence, and of the creative opportunities of limitation. Specific questions to address are:
-What contrasts and affinities exist between Butler's and Whitehead's thought?
-What new questions, strategies, and critiques emerge by juxtaposing their distinct perspectives?
Submissions should be presentable in 15 minutes, and must make a philosophical contribution. Please include an abstract of no more than 250 words. All papers and abstracts should be sent to the organizer of the conference, Dr. Roland Faber, no later than August 31st. Submissions should be sent electronically to, and should include:
Your paper (with no identifications of the author within the text)
Abstract (also without identifications)
A separate cover page with your name, paper title, institutional affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address and mailing address.
For more information, contact Deena Lin at or see the conference website.